Yoga For Weight Loss: Fat Burning Yoga Workout

Lose weight with yoga? It can be done effectively and without stress. This dynamic Fat burning yoga workout with ten exercises ensures a firm and slim figure and complete relaxation.

Weight loss with fat burning yoga

Everything in flow – this is especially true for the fat burning yoga. And it is also the secret of success for a slimmer life. The trick: the individual yoga exercises (asanas) are not done separately, as is usually the case, but slowly flow into each other dynamically. Yoga practitioners know this from the sun salutation, which is also a sequence of yoga postures. In this way, our workout not only builds up muscles throughout the body, but also acts as an intensive endurance training, the body enters the fat-burning mode: “With fat burning yoga you can achieve a lot very quickly – the body becomes noticeably firmer, the figure slimmer”, says yoga teachers. Special asanas also really get the metabolism going. And because yoga is a real all-rounder, it calms the nerves and stress is soon forgotten.

Losing weight with yoga – This is how you train

All exercises flow smoothly into each other. Do the first two passes so slowly that you can breathe in and out twice for each movement. In the first series you always start with your right leg, in the second with your left leg. Then change sides with each series. – Beginners (never done yoga before) practice this way for 15 minutes daily. – Those who have practised (have attended a yoga class) increase the pace and complete the sequence with the breaths given in the descriptions of the exercise. Every second day for half an hour.

1. Chair pose – for legs, bottom and torso

With your hips wide stand your head up, pull your shoulder blades towards each other. Bring the tailbone forward and feel the lower back. Extend your arms with tension next to your body, palms of your hands pointing towards your body with your fingers apart. Breath in and out deeply. Inhaling, stretch the stretched arms up and over the sides until the palms of your hands are shoulder width apart. Looking up obliquely. Exhaling into the yoga posture called “chair pose”: bend your knees deep, push your butt back. The knees are over the tips of the feet, the arms are in the extension of the back.

This is what the chair pose does: the exercise strengthens legs, buttocks and torso, and also stimulates the metabolism and digestion.

2. Plank pose – for stomach, back and arms

Inhaling bend knees lower, arms down. Place palms of hands with spread fingers on the floor to the right and left of the feet, looking down. Exhaling, place right leg on tiptoe far back, force into right leg. Lower the pelvis. Inhaling, move left foot backwards and place hip-wide next to right foot. Pull coccyx forward and shoulder blades towards each other, navel towards spine. Now the yoga posture “plank pose” is reached. The whole body forms a line.

This is what the plank brings: it strengthens especially abdominal, back and arm muscles, and also stimulates the metabolism.

3. Downward facing dog – for the whole body

Exhaling, push the buttocks backwards and up over the tips of the toes into the yoga posture called the ‘downward facing dog’. For this, stretch your arms and back, pull your heels towards the floor. The stretched arms form a line with the back. Press hands with the ball of your index finger and thumb into the floor. Pull shoulders away from ears and push shoulder blades together. Look towards the mat.

This is what the downward facing dog brings: The exercise strengthens almost the whole body and creates more mobility.

4. One legged downward dog pose – for legs, bottom and connective tissue

Inhaling, press the right arm more firmly into the ground, release the right foot from the ground and bring the stretched leg backwards and upwards into the posture called “one-legged downward dog pose”. Keep hips straight. Stand on tiptoe on the left side, push the right heel away from the body with the tip of the foot pulled up.

This is what the one-legged downward dog pose does: It especially tightens legs, buttocks and connective tissue. The exercise also strengthens the shoulder and arm muscles.

5. Knee to chest pose – for stomach, legs and buttocks

Exhaling, push the body forward until the shoulders are above the hands. Bend the right leg with the extended tip of the foot and pull towards the chin. Do not put down. The gaze goes to the navel during this posture, which is called “knee to chest”, the back becomes round. Inhaling, push the right leg back up into the one-legged dog.

This is what the knees to the chest does: the exercise strengthens the abdominal muscles, but also the legs and buttocks.

6. Revolved side angle pose – for the waist

Exhaling, push the body forward again, bring the bent right leg to the left elbow, then stretch to the side and stand on the outer edge of the foot with your toes pulled up. Pull up the left toe and put the heel down. Both legs are stretched out. Inhaling, release left hand from floor and stretch left arm upwards. Press the body up with the right arm, lift the pelvis and sternum and go into a slight backward bend. Spread fingers, the position “revolved side angle pose” is reached. Exhaling, place the left hand shoulder-wide next to the right, bend right leg, pull towards the chin and round the back towards the cat’s hump. Inhaling stretch the right leg back up into the one legged downward dog pose.

This is what the revolved side angle pose does: it strengthens and tones the lateral abdominal muscles in particular – this shapes the waist, strengthens arm and chest muscles and stimulates the metabolism.

7. Warrior I Pose – for posture, butt and leg muscles

Exhaling, pull your right leg forward and place your foot between your hands in one big lunge. The right knee is above the ankle, the left foot is on the ball of the big and small toes. The body forms a line from the left heel to the head. Inhaling, release both hands from the floor and shoulder width shoulder width up into a variant of the posture called “warrior 1 pose”. Apply strength to the left leg, feel the stretch in the thigh and push the coccyx downwards to extend the back. The view goes straight ahead.

This is what the warrior 1 pose brings: The exercise ensures crisp butt and leg muscles, improves posture, stimulates the metabolism.

8. Humble warrior pose – for buttocks, legs, arms and chest

Exhaling, slowly pull the left knee towards the floor against an imaginary resistance, but do not put it down. At the same time make fists and pull both arms bent with tension backwards down until the fists are at hip level. Repeat this warrior variation three times, inhale with raising, exhale with lowering.

This is what the humble warrior pose brings: It intensifies the training for bottom and legs, additionally strengthens the arm, shoulder and chest muscles.

9. Belly twist pose – for the deep lateral abdominal muscles

Inhaling, stretch both arms forward and shoulder width up. Exhaling, release your left foot from the floor and stand hip-width apart from your right. Sink into the chair. Inhaling, bend your knees harder and fold your palms together with your fingers apart in the Anjali Mudra, i.e. the Namasté posture: fold your palms together at heart level. Exhaling Turn the upper body to the right, bring the left elbow to the outside of the thigh and use it like a lever to open the upper body even further. Both thumbs remain in front of the sternum and the knees parallel to each other. The position of “belly twist pose” has been reached. The view goes towards the ceiling.

This is what the belly twist pose brings: it strengthens the deep lateral abdominal muscles, strengthens the trunk and legs and purifies the body.

10. End position

Breathing in dissolve the twist, stretch both arms up again and exhale sink into “chair pose”. Inhaling, stretch your legs and stand upright with your arms above your head. Exhaling, stretch your arms down over your sides and return to the starting position. Breathe in and out deeply, then begin the next series. Do all exercises towards the other side.

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