10 Simple Rules for a Healthy Life

A healthy and happy life – who does not want that! Our 10 rules from the book “The New Health Rules” by Dr. Frank Lipman can help with that.

Dr. Frank Lipman is a physician for functional and integrative medicine in the USA and the world’s leading expert in this field. Together with Danielle Claro, deputy editor-in-chief of “Real Simple” magazine, he has just published the book “The New Health Rules”.

It contains healthy tips and instructions for making lasting changes to your personal lifestyle. The described rules are applicable to everyone, whether meat eater or vegan, whether athlete or hobby sportsman. The Wellness book is about the whole: body, mind and soul in harmony.

Anyone who wants to know more about how to live a healthy and happy life in the long term, or simply wants to be inspired: we’re going to introduce you to ten rules from the book.

1. Eat fruits and vegetables in rainbow colors

The rainbow on the plate – what a beautiful sight. And so healthy! Fruit and vegetables in rich colours are an indication of a high content of biologically active substances. They protect our organism from viruses and bacteria – and have a positive effect on our immune system.

2. These foods and snacks should be on the weekly shopping list

Dark salads – they contain important nutrients for us in large quantities. Cabbage reduces the risk of cancer. Avocados protect against heart disease and cancer. Blueberries have preventive effects against cancer, diabetes, heart disease, stomach ulcers and high blood pressure. Eggs are an excellent source of protein and contain good fats. Walnuts are full of omega-3 fatty acids and many nutrients that protect the heart.

These snacks are also rich in nutrients and packed full of healthy fats: almonds, walnuts, cashews, Brazil nuts, raw cocoa bean chips, sunflower and pumpkin seeds.

Please note: All these foods are subject to seasonal cultivation and may not be available all year round.

3. Breakfast, lunch, dinner: this is how you eat properly!

In the morning like an emperor, at noon like a king, in the evening like a peasant – is this old rule really true? Not quite! For Lipman, the order is more like: king, emperor, peasant.

Lunch should be the biggest for him, because our digestive system reaches its peak at this time of day. That’s why he recommends a high-protein meal with healthy fats and vegetables.

Because our body needs energy in the morning and the metabolism needs to get going, healthy fats and high-energy food are important. Instead of fruit and grains, the physician therefore recommends avocados, eggs or even food left over from the previous evening in the morning.

In the evening it may actually be more reserved: Again, eggs in combination with salad are perfect.

Besides the ingredients, conscious eating is important. This includes chewing well and taking a break from time to time to feel full.

4. If we only learn one yoga pose…

… it should be Supta Baddha Konasana (The Cobbler’s Seat), said Lipman.

The cobbler seat is ideal for starting the day or in the evening before going to bed. The pose stretches hips, chest and shoulders. This enables deeper and better breathing. It also relaxes and revitalizes our entire body.

5. Being present in the here and now

Simply looking forward, up into the sky or even into the eyes of other people – that doesn’t seem modern anymore. We prefer to bow to our smartphone until we are totally stiff-necked, just to stare at the latest junk on the screen.

Being present in the here and now is so important for our health. As casual as this rule may seem: Go through the world attentively, be present and be curious about things and people around you. This contributes significantly to a healthy and happy life.

6. Meditation: oxygen in, tension out

Meditation triggers the relaxation system in our body through deep breathing – oxygen in, tension out. This not only feels good, it also changes how we deal with stress.

Regular meditation allows us to deal with it more calmly – no matter whether we are facing small or bigger challenges. There are different types of meditation (from stillness and rest meditations, mindfulness and insight meditations, concentration meditations to transcendental meditation) that should be tried out before you commit to one.

The beautiful thing about meditation: When the mind goes crazy, it is like a tool that is always and everywhere available to regain consciousness, relax and recharge with new energy. And: it is a much healthier alternative to the beer at the end of the day.

7. 10 minutes a day: Do what you love!

This rule is simple, but has an incredibly powerful and healing effect. No matter if it is a small scribble in the calendar or a photo on the way home, a song played on your own guitar or a self-painted picture – it doesn’t have to be something big, nothing special. Above all, it should be fun and delight your heart.

And if you think you don’t have time for that – just ten minutes less surfing the net is just an idea to save valuable time.

8. Walking barefoot

Day in, day out we hide our feet in mostly tight, uncomfortable shoes. Not to mention high heels. It’s time to leave these things aside and walk barefoot – in the sand, on the grass, on the asphalt.

Do it whenever the opportunity arises. Running barefoot not only gives our immune system a real kick, it also gives us a lasting recovery. “Vitamin D from the sun, oxygen from the air and electrons from the ground – all these things heal and vitalise us when we run barefoot,” says Dr Lipman.

9. Just do nothing!

Damn to-dos and appointments! All fours stretch out and do nothing, that’s great. What may sound like paradise on earth to one person, is quite difficult for another. For those who never have time, are always doing, such a lazy day is just right. Your challenge: To do without appointments, mobile phone and computer for one day.

Do something that feels like a waste of time for you. A walk through the forest, maybe, in a café, watching people, just listening to music or reading.

The body is better recovered afterwards and creativity gets a boost too. That really pays off in your job.

10. Colors to feel good

Colours have a great health effect on us. So they can determine how you feel in your own four walls.

Red gives energy. Lavender promotes inner reflection. Blue relaxes. Light green promotes hope. Orange makes you happy.

In order to feel really good, you can either paint a wall or put a throw on the bed in the desired colour. Small living accessories in the feel-good colour also bring the healthy effect into your own home.

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