14 Things That Make Your House Look Cluttered

Clutter can make even the most beautiful home look messy and disorganized. It not only affects the aesthetics of your living space but can also create stress and anxiety. If you’re struggling with a cluttered home, it’s important to identify the areas that contribute to the problem. Here are 15 things that may be making your house look cluttered and some tips on how to tackle them.


Clutter can accumulate in various areas of your home, from countertops to closets, and even on the floors. It’s essential to identify the root causes of clutter in order to effectively tackle the issue and create a more organized and visually appealing living space.

1. Cluttered Countertops

A. Kitchen Appliances

Kitchen appliances, such as coffee makers, toasters, and blenders, can quickly clutter your countertops if they are left out in the open. To minimize countertop clutter, designate a specific spot for each appliance and store them away when not in use.

B. Dishes and Utensils

Leaving dirty dishes and utensils on the countertops can also make your kitchen look cluttered. Make it a habit to clean up after meals and put away dishes and utensils in their designated places to keep your countertops clear and tidy.

2. Excessive Furniture

A. Oversized Furniture

Having oversized furniture in a small room can make the space feel cramped and cluttered. Choose furniture that is proportionate to the size of the room and arrange it in a way that allows for easy movement and flow.

B. Unused or Unwanted Furniture

Keeping furniture that you no longer use or that doesn’t fit your style can also contribute to a cluttered home. Consider donating or selling furniture that you don’t need or want to create more space and reduce clutter in your home.

3. Unorganized Storage

A. Overflowing Closets

Closets that are packed with clothes, shoes, and accessories can make your home look cluttered, even if the rest of your living space is organized. Take the time to declutter your closets regularly, donate or sell items you no longer wear, and invest in proper storage solutions such as shelves or drawers to keep your closets tidy and organized.

B. Unsorted Items

Having items that are not properly sorted or organized can contribute to a cluttered home. Whether it’s a stack of papers, a pile of books, or a collection of miscellaneous items, keeping them unsorted can make your home look messy. Take the time to sort through these items and designate a specific place for each item to keep your home clutter-free.

4. Neglected Areas

A. Forgotten Corners

Neglected corners in your home can quickly accumulate clutter. These are areas that are often overlooked and not regularly cleaned or organized, such as the corners behind furniture or in less frequently used rooms. Take the time to clean and declutter these forgotten corners to create a more visually appealing and organized living space.

B. Neglected Surfaces

Surfaces such as countertops, tables, and shelves can easily accumulate clutter if not regularly cleaned and organized. Items such as books, papers, and knick-knacks can quickly clutter these surfaces and make your home look messy. Make it a habit to regularly clean and organize these surfaces to keep your home clutter-free and visually appealing.

5. Lack of Proper Storage Solutions

A. Absence of Shelving

Lack of shelving in your home can lead to cluttered surfaces and overcrowded storage areas. Installing shelves in key areas of your home, such as the kitchen, living room, and bedrooms, can provide additional storage space and help keep your belongings organized.

B. Inadequate Cabinets

Having inadequate cabinets in your home can result in items being crammed into small spaces or piled on top of each other, leading to a cluttered appearance. Consider investing in additional cabinets or upgrading your current ones to provide ample storage space for your belongings and keep your home organized.

6. Accumulation of Unnecessary Items

A. Hoarding Habits

Hoarding habits, or the excessive accumulation of items, can quickly clutter your home and make it look messy. It’s important to identify and address any hoarding habits you may have, such as holding onto items that you no longer need or use. Letting go of unnecessary items can create more space and reduce clutter in your home.

B. Emotional Attachment to Possessions

Emotional attachment to possessions can also contribute to clutter in your home. Sentimental items, gifts, or inherited belongings can quickly accumulate and make your home look cluttered. It’s important to be selective about the items you keep and let go of belongings that no longer serve a purpose or bring you joy.

7. Poor Paper Management

A. Unsorted Paper Piles

Paper piles, such as stacks of unsorted mail, bills, or documents, can quickly clutter your home and make it look untidy. Implement a system for managing paper, such as sorting mail immediately, organizing documents in folders, and shredding unnecessary papers, to keep your home clutter-free.

B. Unopened Mail

Allowing unopened mail to pile up can also contribute to a cluttered home. Make it a habit to open and sort your mail as soon as it arrives to prevent piles from accumulating and cluttering your home.

8. Unmade Beds

Unmade beds can make your bedroom look messy and cluttered, even if the rest of the room is tidy. Taking a few minutes each morning to make your bed can instantly make your bedroom look more organized and visually appealing.

9. Excessive Home Decor

A. Cluttered Wall Art

Having too much wall art or decor on your walls can make your home look cluttered and overwhelming. Choose a few meaningful pieces of wall art and strategically place them to create a focal point, rather than overcrowding your walls with excessive decor.

B. Knick-Knacks and Trinkets

Having an excessive amount of knick-knacks and trinkets on display can also contribute to a cluttered home. These small items can quickly accumulate and make surfaces look messy. Consider decluttering and only displaying a few meaningful or decorative items to create a cleaner and more organized look.

10. Lack of Regular Cleaning and Maintenance

A. Dust and Dirt Build-up

Neglecting regular cleaning and maintenance can result in a build-up of dust and dirt, which can make your home look unkempt and cluttered. Make sure to regularly clean and dust all surfaces, vacuum or sweep floors, and keep your home well-maintained to prevent clutter from accumulating.

B. Neglected Cleaning Supplies

Having a disorganized and cluttered cleaning supply area can also hinder your ability to keep your home clean and organized. Make sure to declutter and properly organize your cleaning supplies to make cleaning tasks easier and more efficient.

11. Disorganized Electronics and Cables

A. Tangled Cables

Disorganized electronics and tangled cables can create a cluttered and messy appearance in your home. Take the time to declutter and properly organize your electronics, such as TVs, computers, and charging cables, to create a neater and more organized living space.

B. Unnecessary Electronics

Having an excess of unnecessary electronics can also contribute to clutter in your home. Consider decluttering and getting rid of electronics that are no longer needed or used to create a more streamlined and organized living space.

12. Lack of Routine Decluttering

A. Neglected Decluttering Habits

Neglecting routine decluttering can quickly result in a cluttered home. It’s important to establish decluttering habits, such as regular purging of belongings, organizing and tidying up spaces, and maintaining a clutter-free mindset.

B. Procrastination

Procrastination can also hinder your ability to keep your home clutter-free. Avoid putting off decluttering tasks and make it a priority to regularly declutter and organize your living spaces.

13. Overwhelming Collections

A. Excessive Collections

Having excessive collections of items, such as books, toys, or memorabilia, can quickly clutter your home and make it look disorganized. Consider downsizing and curating your collections to keep your home visually appealing and clutter-free.

B. Poorly Displayed Collections

Improperly displaying collections can also contribute to clutter in your home. Make sure to properly display and organize your collections in a visually appealing manner, such as using shelves, display cases, or other appropriate storage solutions.

14. Lack of Regular Maintenance and Upkeep

A. Neglected Repairs

Neglecting necessary repairs and maintenance tasks can result in a cluttered and disorganized home. Make sure to address any repairs or maintenance needs promptly to prevent clutter from accumulating and to keep your home in good condition.

B. Unfinished Projects

Having unfinished projects, such as DIY crafts or home improvement projects, can also contribute to clutter in your home. Make sure to complete and properly organize any ongoing projects to prevent clutter from accumulating and to create a more organized living space.


In conclusion, a cluttered home can negatively impact the overall aesthetic appeal and functionality of your living space. By addressing the various factors that contribute to clutter, such as poor organization, neglected areas, lack of storage solutions, accumulation of unnecessary items, poor paper management, unmade beds, excessive home decor, lack of regular cleaning and maintenance, disorganized electronics and cables, lack of routine decluttering, overwhelming collections, and lack of regular maintenance and upkeep, you can create a more organized and visually appealing home environment.

To prevent clutter from taking over your home, it’s essential to establish good habits, such as regular decluttering, proper organization, and routine cleaning and maintenance. Create storage solutions that work for your specific needs, utilize effective paper management strategies, and avoid accumulating unnecessary items. Keep your home decor simple and meaningful, and prioritize regular cleaning and maintenance tasks to prevent dust and dirt build-up.

Properly organize and display your electronics and collections, and ensure that unfinished projects are completed and properly organized. By taking these steps, you can create a clutter-free and visually appealing home that promotes a sense of peace, organization, and functionality. Remember that decluttering is an ongoing process, and it’s important to regularly assess and reorganize your belongings to maintain an organized and clutter-free living space.


Q: How often should I declutter my home?

A: It’s recommended to declutter your home at least once a year, or more frequently if needed. Regular decluttering can help prevent clutter from accumulating and keep your home organized.

Q: What are some effective paper management strategies?

A: Some effective paper management strategies include setting up a designated paper sorting area, creating a filing system, shredding or recycling unnecessary papers, and digitizing important documents.

Q: How can I effectively display my collections without creating clutter?

A: To effectively display collections without creating clutter, consider using shelves, display cases, or other appropriate storage solutions. Keep the display minimal and organized, and avoid overcrowding the space.

Q: How can I maintain a clutter-free home with kids?

A: Involve your kids in the decluttering process and teach them good organizational habits from a young age. Create designated storage areas for their toys and belongings, and regularly declutter and organize their items.

Q: How can I prevent clutter from accumulating in my home office?

A: Keep your home office organized by setting up a filing system for documents, regularly decluttering and organizing office supplies, and minimizing unnecessary items. Avoid overcrowding the workspace and prioritize routine cleaning and maintenance.

Q: How can I effectively declutter sentimental items?

A: Decluttering sentimental items can be challenging. It’s important to assess the emotional value and significance of each item and keep only the ones that truly hold meaning. Consider taking photos or creating digital memories of sentimental items to reduce physical clutter while preserving the memories.

Q: How can I prevent my kitchen from looking cluttered?

A: To prevent your kitchen from looking cluttered, keep countertops clear of unnecessary items, utilize proper storage solutions for utensils, pots, and pans, and declutter your pantry regularly. Avoid accumulating too many kitchen gadgets and appliances and prioritize functionality and organization in your kitchen layout.

Q: How can I keep my wardrobe from becoming cluttered?

A: Keep your wardrobe from becoming cluttered by regularly decluttering and organizing your clothes. Donate or sell items that you no longer wear or need, and keep only the items that fit well and make you feel confident. Use storage solutions such as shelves, drawers, and hangers to keep your clothes organized and easily accessible.

Q: How can I prevent my bathroom from looking cluttered?

A: To prevent your bathroom from looking cluttered, keep countertops clear of unnecessary items, use organizers for toiletries and cosmetics, and regularly declutter and organize your bathroom cabinets and drawers. Avoid accumulating expired or unused products, and prioritize cleanliness and simplicity in your bathroom decor.

Q: How can I maintain a clutter-free garage or basement?

A: Maintaining a clutter-free garage or basement requires regular decluttering and organization. Sort and categorize items, donate or discard items that you no longer need or use, and use proper storage solutions such as shelves, bins, and hooks to keep items off the floor and organized. Avoid hoarding or accumulating unnecessary items in these spaces.

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