14 Ways to Prevent Pregnancy Nausea

Many expectant mothers experience nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. While this situation can be seen only in the early stages of pregnancy in some women, sometimes it can last for months. Some important points should be considered against nausea and vomiting problems, which also reduce the quality of life.

Watch out for vomiting that causes weight loss!

Nausea during pregnancy can usually be seen in the early morning hours and then return to normal during the day. However, the pregnancy process of every expectant mother is different. If nausea and vomiting affect daily life to a great extent, a doctor should be consulted. Severe vomiting requires a detailed investigation as it may indicate a serious underlying problem. If severe vomiting during the day causes the expectant mother to be unable to feed and the amount of water in the body decreases in a way that causes weight loss. This can create a risky picture. In such cases, the expectant mother is hospitalized and liquid and nutritional supplements are made.

Recommendations for nausea during pregnancy

With some precautions, it is possible to prevent or minimize nausea during pregnancy:

  1. Eat less and more frequent meals. In this way, nausea and heartburn can be reduced. Empty stomach increases nausea more. Small amounts of dry food should be consumed.
  2. Fried, spicy, acidic foods that increase stomach acid should not be consumed as they will increase nausea and vomiting.
  3. Protein intake is very important during pregnancy. Especially the consumption of eggs, dairy products, beans and grains should be increased. These foods are also rich in B vitamins.
  4. After getting out of bed, you should wait a bit for breakfast instead of eating immediately and start with dry foods such as crackers and biscuits.
  5. You should not lie down immediately after eating, and it should be easier to digest food by spending time standing.
  6. At what times during the day, more nausea and vomiting are experienced should be noted and kept daily. In this way, it can be easily found at which times to eat more comfortably.
  7. Try to drink as much liquid as possible between meals. The expectant mother should make sure that she drinks regularly. If liquids increase nausea and vomiting, ice cubes may be recommended.
  8. It is important to rest and relax as much as possible. If working, it may be suggested to take a leave of absence for a while. Because it is known that stress and fatigue increase morning sickness.
  9. Lemon slices can be thrown into water or iced tea. Lemon scent reduces nausea.
  10. Mixing a teaspoon of ginger and honey in the morning can be good for nausea.
  11. Iron tablets can sometimes increase nausea and vomiting. The person can take a break or change from using these supports for a while, in consultation with their doctor.
  12. Especially vitamin B6 reduces pregnancy nausea. If pregnancy multivitamin has been started before, taking them with meals, not on an empty stomach, reduces stomach discomfort. Since some pregnant women cannot swallow these vitamins, they can be taken in the form of chewable tablets or vitamin syrups.
  13. Aromatherapy and massage can also cure morning sickness and vomiting. However, an expert should be consulted in this regard.
  14. In this process, it is important to think positively, not to panic, walk regularly and get fresh air, and have a good time with loved ones. Expectant mothers should take care to stay calm and focus on their baby, thinking that these problems are temporary.
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