5 Reasons to Add Honey to Your Beauty Routine

With the recent return to natural ingredients, we can say that honey has entered our radar again. So why should we add honey to our beauty routine? Here are 5 helpful reasons to add honey to your beauty routine…

1. Honey heals sunburn quickly

Considering the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties of honey, you may need honey especially this summer. If you get too red from the sun, it may be difficult to apply honey directly to the problem area due to its stickiness. Therefore, mix it with a fragrance-free/alcohol-free lotion and apply it every few hours until the redness subsides.

2. Prevent acne overnight

When you feel that a red pimple is about to appear on your face, your hand should be in honey, not toothpaste. The antibacterial effect of honey will show itself here as well, and it will not dry out your entire skin while trying to dry your acne. Apply at night, when you wake up in the morning, you will see that the problem area is calmer and the redness has subsided.

3. Repairs damage and strengthens hair

You don’t need to look for the solution in products with triple-digit prices. The moisturizers in its structure protect the hair against breakage. Honey repairs the scalp and removes dandruff. With its intense moisturizing feature, it provides the moisture to the hair it deserves. The fed hair strands do not break and grow faster. At the end of the bath, apply it to your hair by diluting slightly and rinse.

4. Use it to wash your face

Honey, which is currently the favorite of all beauty bloggers, is a product that you can use to remove your make-up with its softening and anti-acne effect. Although it may sound a little sticky, we do not think that there will be any problems if you rinse it with warm water.

5. Add it to your diet

Besides the fact that honey can be used as a natural sweetener in your tea, raw honey is also very beneficial for your digestive and immune system. While processed sugar is pure glucose, honey is naturally a mixture of glucose and fructose and is much better for maintaining healthy blood sugar ranges.

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