6 Nutritional Advices to Breastfeeding Moms

Breast milk, which has many benefits in terms of mother and baby, can meet the feeding needs of the baby alone for the first 6 months.

Breast milk protects the baby from illnesses thanks to its beneficial ingredients and reduces the risk of postpartum maternal depression in nursing (breastfeeding) mothers. Also breast and ovarian cancer is less seen. In order to increase the quantity and quality of breast milk, it is necessary to follow some nutrition rules.

Meets All The Baby’s Nutritional Needs

Breast milk, which has miraculous properties in feeding babies, contains all the nutrients that babies need. No other nutrients are needed.

Colostrum, which is known as ‘beestings’, is the first vaccine that protects the baby against diseases. Breast milk, which protects the baby from infections, is vital because of the sufficient water and vitamin content. Breast milk is also a necessary source of nutrition for the mother and the baby to be happy. But some mothers are concerned after giving birth, thinking they can’t breastfeed their babies enough. They consume many nutrients, thinking that they increase the amount of breast milk. In many studies, no nutrient alone increased the amount of milk. In many studies, it has been determined that no food alone increases the amount of milk. The increase in the amount of breast milk is primarily proportional to the frequency of breastfeeding of mothers and their fluid consumption. As the frequency of breastfeeding increases, the amount of breast milk produced in the body increases due to nipple stimulation.

4 Rules for Successful Breastfeeding

  • During breastfeeding, the nipple should be placed in the baby’s mouth correctly and making sure that the baby is actually sucking.
  • The baby should be provided to suck equally from both breasts. Because the amount of milk in the breast that is not breastfed will decrease.
  • During breastfeeding, the mother and the baby should be in a comfortable position. This may reduce the amount of breast milk, as improper position will stress the baby and the mother out.
  • Make sure that the breasts are completely empty. Lactation in fully emptied breasts will be more.

Stress Reduces The Amount of Breast Milk

After giving birth, a more sensitive period begins for mothers depending on hormones.

The hormone called prolactin, which is secreted from the pituitary gland, stimulates lactation. Stress will also negatively affect the amount of milk by reducing the level of the hormone prolactin. Therefore, the mother’s increased anxiety about breastfeeding will cause stress and lactation will decrease. Especially during the first 3 months, mothers become the big babies of the house in a sense depending on the hormones. On the other hand, even if the mother is not fed regularly, the baby receives all the necessary nutrients during breastfeeding through breast milk. However, in terms of breast milk quantity and quality, balanced and regular nutrition becomes important during this period. In addition, a balanced and regular diet will prevent the occurrence of bone pain and tooth decay due to breastfeeding.

Recommendations to Increase Breast Milk

  1. 87% of breast milk consists of water. Daily consumption of at least 10-12 glasses of water will increase breast milk.
  2. It has been determined that sugary drinks and some herbal teas do not increase the amount of breast milk. Fennel, nettle, basil and rosemary tea may be preferred instead.
  3. Vegetable and animal protein resources needed by the body are effective in lactation. Legumes such as green lentils, beans and chickpeas and seasonal vegetables such as spinach and broccoli can be preferred. Consuming green leafy plants such as purslane, arugula, parsley and spinach will also be beneficial for a balanced diet.
  4. Consuming seasonal fruits, which contain plenty of vitamins, will improve the quality of breast milk.
  5. Smoking and drinking alcohol reduces the amount of breast milk. In addition, up to 3 cups of coffee can be consumed during lactation. The small amount of caffeine that passes from breast milk to the baby does not harm the baby. However, some babies who are more sensitive to caffeine may develop insomnia. For this reason, mothers who have caffeine-sensitive babies need to limit their coffee consumption.
  6. Omega 3-rich nutrition will contribute to the mental development of the baby. Since Omega 3 is found in a high proportion of fish, it is necessary to consume fish twice a week. When consuming fish, it is necessary to avoid deep sea fish with high mercury content. Salmon, sea bass, anchovies and shrimp can be safely consumed because of low mercury content. Omega 3 is also found in some herbal products. Walnuts and purslane are herbal products rich in omega 3.
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