6 Reasons Your Period Is Making You Feel Emotional

Every month during our period we suffer from emotional ups and downs, which manifest themselves in crying attacks and outbursts of anger. But why is this actually so?

1. Your hormones fluctuate

Shortly before the period, the corpus luteum hormone progesterone, which normally has a calming effect on the organism, has a decisive influence on the woman’s mood. The hormone is released less during this period, which can lead to typical PMS symptoms such as breast pain, bad skin and abdominal pain. The same applies to oestrogen. The happiness hormone is also released less during menstruation, so that our drive is lost.

2. Your serotonin level is low

In addition to hormones, neurotransmitters also play an essential role in our emotional life before and during the days. During this time of the menstrual cycle, our body hardly reacts at all to the messenger substance serotonin, which plays a central role in the brain for our well-being and mood regulation. The low serotonin level is also said to be responsible for irritability and ravenous appetite attacks.

3. You are more sensitive to pain

In the days leading up to the period, most women announce this with a pulling in the abdomen and/or headaches. It should go without saying that we are not necessarily in the best of moods during this period. The problem is that we often feel pain during our menstruation much more than we do during the rest of the month. Our pain tolerance limit has reached zero. This is not a good time to go to the dentist or to the waxing studio.

4. Your eating habits change

It is also the hormonal fluctuations to which we owe our ravenous appetite attacks during our periods. The low serotonin level also makes us want to eat carbohydrates such as pasta, bread or cake. And carbohydrate-rich food in turn makes you feel emotionally unstable. A vicious circle!

5. You do not sleep enough

Whether due to hormones or as a result of a high-carbohydrate diet: According to the American online magazine “Bustle.com”, seven out of ten women suffer from sleep disorders during their days. And little sleep naturally has a negative effect on your mood – exuberant reactions are often the result. You can counteract this by not eating too late and – very important – by exercising regularly! Which brings us to the last point …

6. You are not training

Very few women feel energetic and driven during their periods. Nevertheless, you should not stop your training, on the contrary! Sport or exercise relieves the typical menstrual problems by relaxing the muscles. Overexertion should be avoided, however, as the immune system is a little weakened, especially in the first few days, and thus more susceptible to colds.

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