8 Natural Home Remedies to Get Rid of Blackheads

One of the annoying problems is blackheads. Cleaning black spots that can be seen due to improper nutrition and irregular skin care is a job that requires patience. So what should be done to get rid of blackheads?

Regular skin care and nutrition will help you get rid of blackheads. You can do this with natural solutions, it is extremely important to be patient and continue. Here are our suggestions…


egg white for blackheads

Spread the egg white, which is a protein store, to the black dotted area in a thin layer. After it dries, pass the second layer and wash off after about 15 minutes.


honey cinnamon mixture for blackheads

Mix honey, which is a natural antibiotic, with cinnamon and apply on your blackheads. Apply this mixture, which fights blackheads by cleaning the kiri, by massaging your black spots and let it sit for a while and rinse.


coconut powder for blackheads

Mix the coconut powder with the milk. With the help of a brush, apply it to your blackheads to clean them deeply. You can wash it after about 3 minutes.


baking soda with water for blackheads

Mix baking soda with water and apply on blackheads. Apply with gentle movements for 5 minutes without irritation. After 10 minutes, clean it with warm water.


lemon yogurt and honey mixture for blackheads

Mix lemon, salt, yogurt and honey and apply it to your blackheads. After applying it by massaging for 3 minutes, you can clean this mixture with warm water.


turkish coffee mask for blackheads

Mix Turkish coffee, which is beneficial for blackheads, with olive oil. After applying this on blackheads, leave it on for 10 minutes. You can then wash it off with lukewarm water.


lemon peel and yoghurt for blackheads

After grating the lemon peel, mix it with some flour and yogurt. After applying it to the black spots by massaging, wait 20 minutes and wash.


green clay mask for blackheads

Mix the green clay with water and make it a paste and apply it to the problem areas. It is enough to apply in a thin layer. Wait 15 minutes and clean with warm water.

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