8 Style Mistakes That Make You Look Older than You Are

Are you looking to stay on trend but don’t want to look like you’re trying too hard? Do you want to project a youthful appearance but aren’t sure what looks are appropriate for your age? If so, this blog post is for you. We’ve rounded up the most common style mistakes that can make you look older than your years, so read on for tips and tricks to avoid them!

Wearing Clothes That Don’t Fit

The first style mistake that makes you look older is wearing clothes that don’t fit. Overly baggy pieces, or clothes that are too tight, can make you look older than you are. It is important to find clothes that fit your body perfectly and accentuate your best features. If you don’t feel confident in what you are wearing, it will show. Opt for pieces that are tailored to your body and flatter your figure. This will keep you looking youthful and stylish.

Wearing Comfortable (and Ugly) Shoes

As much as comfort is key when it comes to fashion, it is important to make sure to choose stylish footwear and avoid comfortable but ugly shoes. A shoe with a low vamp and a slim sole will make you look much younger than wearing a clunky, frumpy pair of shoes. Comfort is important, but so is looking your best. So, if you want to stay in style, avoid the shoes that make you look like the quintessential frumpster.

Wearing Too Many Conservative Pieces Together

It’s easy to look older than you are by wearing too many conservative pieces together. If you don’t feel comfortable wearing the latest trends, that’s perfectly fine, but try to avoid pairing tweed, pastel outfits, and too much black all at once. To keep your look youthful and fresh, opt for bright colors and modern silhouettes. You can also update your glasses and lingerie to look more fashionable without sacrificing comfort. Remember, age is just a number, and with the right fashion choices, you can express your personal style no matter how old you are.

Wearing Colors Which Are Too Bright or Intense

When it comes to wearing colors, it’s important to remember that as we age, our skin tends to lose its color and vibrancy. Instead of going for bright and intense hues, opt for more muted shades like nude, ivory, light gray, or beige. If you do want to add a little bit more color to your look, try softer hues like baby blue with soft pink. This will create a subtle but beautiful contrast and make you look younger.

Covering the Neck with a Turtleneck

Many women make the mistake of covering the neck area with a turtleneck in an attempt to hide any signs of aging. While this look can be very comfortable, it is also tricky to get right. When wearing a turtleneck, choose pieces that are loose but not overwhelming. Also, it is best to only wear oversized on one piece at a time. A better choice is to opt for a V-neck or scoop neck. This style will not only flatter the neckline but will also help you to look more youthful and stylish.

Too Many Pastel Outfits

Pastel Overload is a real thing and it’s something that many people of all ages are guilty of. Too many soft, delicate colors can make you look older than you actually are. We all like to look trendy and beautiful, but as we age we tend to get used to wearing certain things and experiment less. Instead of going for a full-on pastel look, try to mix and match different colors and textures. For instance, pair a pastel top with a darker bottom or add a colorful scarf to your outfit. This will give your look an extra pop of color without the risk of looking dated.

Too Much Black

Black does wonders for trimming a figure and is appropriate for almost every occasion, but as women get older, their skin tends to become lighter and the contrast between black hair and dark clothes can create too much of a contrast that draws attention to the defects: wrinkles, age spots, and facial lines. Too much black can also make you look gaunt and aged. When wearing black, try to mix it up with a lighter color or texture, such as a white blouse or a light grey cardigan. This will help you avoid looking too somber and will add a bit of balance to your look.

Out of Date Glasses or Lingerie

It’s important to remember that as we age our style must be updated – not just in terms of trends, but also in terms of fit. Out of date glasses or lingerie can be an easy way to date yourself. Invest in quality frames that flatter your face and look for lingerie that is well fitted and appropriate for your age. You don’t have to go with the most expensive options but quality pieces that fit you well will make a huge difference. Experimenting with different colours, such as neon on the inside of glasses’ arms, can also have the same brightening effect.

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