9 Simple Reasons Why You are Always Hungry

Are you hungry all the time and can’t explain where it comes from? We present you 9 simple reasons that shed light on your increased appetite for sweet and salty things.

1. You do not sleep enough

Who does not know it: After an untidy night, most people have to fight with increased appetite attacks. But where does the desire for sweets or fast food come from? Among other things, the hormone ghrelin. It is produced in the stomach and causes feelings of hunger. When there is a lack of sleep, the concentration of the hormone increases by 30 percent. Chronically insomniacs also have a disturbed sugar balance and their bodies produce less insulin. And this in turn has an effect on their eating habits, as they have to push their blood sugar levels above the normal target level in order to feel full.

2. You have trained

When you train, your energy dwindles. As a result, your blood sugar level drops, which in turn promotes hunger. However, studies show that intensive training promotes the formation of hormones that inhibit appetite. If you eat hearty after exercise, you should simply make sure that the food you eat is healthy. This is the only way to maintain a gain in energy balance that makes losing weight easier.

3. You are stressed

There are the people who forget their appetite under stress, and there are the people who are hungry in a hectic rush – all the time. What is the reason for this? The stress hormone cortisol! This provides additional appetite, always with the aim of the body building up energy reserves. This survival reaction of the human body dates back to the time when lightning-fast escape was essential.

4. You do not drink enough

Many people confuse hunger with thirst. This is because your body often sends you similar signals when you are dehydrated, as water can also be obtained from food. Symptoms such as bad mood, listlessness and weakness also indicate dehydration. So before you want to reach into the bag of chips next time, you should first drink a glass of water.

5. You drank too much

Yes, that too can be a reason for permanent hunger! What is meant here, however, is not water, but alcohol. Studies have shown that alcohol consumption promotes the production of the appetite-stimulating hormone ghrelin. So a bottle of wine in the evening not only automatically leads to a larger portion on the plate, but also to snacks between meals.

6. You skip breakfast

Are you one of those people who forgo breakfast? Then we have some bad news for you: Skipping the first meal of the day has a negative effect on your body. Studies show that these people are five times more likely to be obese. This is because their metabolism slows down, their hunger is increased and causes your body to store nutrients instead of burning them.

7. You eat the wrong thing

People who are hungry tend to eat foods that are high in calories and low in nutrients. After all, it has to be quick. Processed foods with additives and ingredients with a risk of addiction (fast food, crisps, sweets!) only fill up for a short time, so that the body asks for food again after a short time. A high fructose content also slows down the production of leptin. The hormone that signals the brain that you are full.

8. You inhale your food

Even if you don’t have time to eat, you should take it. If you just gobble down a lye bar between the door and the fishing rod, you’ll get hungry again pretty quickly. Why is that? Because your body does not have time to release the hormone leptin, which signals a feeling of fullness. Studies have also shown that people who take their time to eat feel fuller for longer.

9. You are under peer pressure

All the colleagues take burgers? Then you have to grab a burger too. Your family shovels three portions onto your plate because you still “look hungry”? Sure, you don’t disagree and you eat the plate empty a third time. Eating in company has clear advantages and disadvantages. Even if it is hard: Don’t give in to peer pressure and pick out the food that is best for you and your body.

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