Allergic Asthma: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Allergic asthma usually develops in childhood. We explain here which symptoms can occur and which treatment helps against it.

What is allergic asthma?

Asthma is most commonly caused by allergies such as hay fever – hence the term allergic asthma. The mucous membrane of the bronchi swells, the production of mucus increases and the airways become narrower. This leads to coughing attacks, chest tightness and breathing difficulties. Allergic asthma cannot be cured so far, but the allergy symptoms can be alleviated by hyposensitization and drug treatment.

Allergic asthma usually begins in childhood or early adolescence, but allergic reactions can also occur in adults. With about 70 percent of all cases, allergic asthma is the most common form of so-called bronchial asthma.

What causes allergic asthma?

In allergic asthma, the general cause is, as already described, an allergy. Besides hay fever, the following diseases can also trigger asthma:

  • Neurodermatitis
  • Allergy to animal hair or also allergy to cats
  • House dust allergy
  • Insecticide allergy

Allergy tests can be used to determine whether hypersensitivity is present.

Asthma – other causes

There is also a genetic factor – if a family member is already an asthmatic, they are more likely to become ill themselves. Asthma often develops after bronchitis, but environmental factors and excessive hygiene measures can also be a trigger.

The special allergy case: Allergic rhinitis

Closely related are also allergic rhinitis and allergic asthma: the former can be the onset of asthma, because the allergic reaction of the mucous membranes in the nose can spread to the bronchi. Experts call this transition from the upper airways to the lower ones a “change of levels“.

Asthma attack: What are the symptoms of allergic asthma?

During an asthma attack the following symptoms may occur:

  • Severe, attack-like irritable cough, but also coughing with sputum
  • Breath sounds, e.g. whistling on exhalation
  • Feelings of tightness in the chest
  • Shortness of breath

Treatment: What helps with asthma?

As before, neither allergy nor asthma is completely curable. However, the symptoms can be alleviated by various methods. These include:

  • Drug therapies
  • Breath physiotherapy and breathing techniques
  • Movement
  • Quitting smoking
  • Weight reduction for overweight
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