Am I Pregnant?

The question “Am I pregnant?” we often only ask ourselves when our periods stop. But our body sends out the first signals of pregnancy earlier.


Did you suddenly throw up in the office? Morning sickness can occur at any time of day or night. It is caused by the rapidly rising estrogen and progesterone levels, which cause the stomach to empty more slowly.

This helps: Do not leave the house on an empty stomach, but have some breakfast when you wake up. If you are not hungry, at least eat a toast – an empty stomach is more likely to be upset. Ginger also calms the stomach. A glass of ginger tea or ginger ale can work wonders. During pregnancy, carbohydrates are great emergency helpers: crackers, bread and other snacks quickly help against nausea and also quickly provide the baby with energy.

Sensitive or swollen breasts

Are your breasts sensitive to even the gentlest touch? Many women know this feeling during their periods. But at the beginning of pregnancy, the breasts are much more sensitive. The hormonal changes can make them sensitive, tingling or sore just two to three weeks after conception. Her breasts may also feel fuller and heavier – a feeling that will increase as the pregnancy progresses.


At the beginning of a pregnancy the progesterone level rises, which makes us feel tired early. Take the rest you need – because your body is working overtime these days.

Enhanced sense of smell

Due to the increased oestrogen level you perceive odours more intensively. This way you can either repel certain scents extremely or make you extremely hungry. After all you will quickly find out which smell does what for you.

Slight bleeding or cramping

Some vaginal discharge or a slight bleeding does not automatically mean that you are having your period. At the beginning of pregnancy, bleeding can occur when the fertilised egg implants in the lining of the uterus – about ten to 14 days after fertilisation. This bleeding starts a little earlier than normal, is spottier, lighter and lasts less time.

Mood swings

In the first few weeks after conception, the flood of hormones upsets your body and thus your emotional life. Many women react more emotionally and start crying more quickly. Mood swings are also among the typical side effects of early pregnancy. Take it easy!

Feelings of dizziness

Does your circulation do what it wants? Shortly after fertilization, your blood vessels dilate and your blood pressure drops, which could make you feel dizzy or lightheaded. Low blood sugar levels can also be responsible for dizziness.


The increased progesterone level causes the food to move more slowly through the intestines. This can lead to constipation, especially at the beginning of a pregnancy. Take in as much fibre as possible – it stimulates digestion.

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