Best Ways to Fix Greasy Hair

Hair that shines not from health but from excessive lubrication, that takes on a dirty and unkempt appearance before it even takes 24 hours, is extremely dull and lifeless, extremely annoying…

Genetic inheritance from the family, greasy and malnutrition, vitamin deficiency, choosing the wrong shampoo and hair care products, even oily hair is a sad result of stress and bad living conditions. But it is never your destiny! As long as you know what you need to do to save your hair from the problem of getting oily quickly and easily, and put what you know into practice. Here are the most effective solutions to help you get rid of greasy hair.

Oil Balancing Hair Care Products

Greasy hair requires frequent washing. It is important at this point that the shampoo used during washing is suitable for oily hair type. With oil purification feature; Shampoos with ingredients such as aloe vera, lemon, menthol, chamomile extract are among the right cleansing products for your oily hair. After washing your hair with these products, do not forget to rinse thoroughly with plenty of water.

As a person suffering from oily hair, you should avoid using conditioner. Using a creamy shampoo or external conditioner will result in your hair getting greasy faster than it is.

Finally, applications that you will make once or twice a week with hair peeling products with rich content will help you to clean your hair deeply and get rid of the oil problem.

Natural Remedies for Greasy Hair

You can use many special hair care products from world-famous brands for your hair, as well as natural mixtures, most of which are prepared with various ingredients at home. It is possible to get rid of the oil problem thanks to the mixtures prepared with effective formulas. Here are a few natural blend suggestions for your hair.

Vinegar water is one of the natural mixtures that you can apply to make your hair healthier, from dandruff problem to oily problem. After washing your hair as usual, do a second wash with vinegar water and then rinse with plenty of water. You can repeat this process after each wash, no more than three times a week. After a short time, you will witness the reduction of lubrication.

You can also try a mixture of carbonated water instead of vinegar water. Baking soda has the feature of being a powerful substance that removes the oiliness in your hair to a great extent. Apply the carbonated water you have prepared to your hair thoroughly. Wait for 5 minutes in this way and rinse with plenty of water. Repeat this process a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4 times a week. You will see that the oiliness problem in your hair decreases step by step with each application.

You can get a great mask for your oily hair with a mixture of egg and yogurt. Apply the mask you prepared to your damp hair by feeding it well. Leave it like this for 20-25 minutes and rinse it off. Thanks to the yogurt mask with eggs that you will apply regularly, your hair will be nourished, and it will be purified from excess oils.

The last natural solution that will help you eliminate the greasy hair problem is black tea. Cool the brewed black tea and apply it to your hair from root to tip and feed it thoroughly. After waiting for 10 minutes, rinse your hair. That is all. Now you are one step closer to hair that does not have oiling problems.

Other Precautions

  • Apart from various care products and natural mixtures, some suggestions that you will implement in your daily life can also help you to save your hair from excessive oiliness.
  • Try not to rub your hands on your hair too much, except when necessary. Playing with hair a lot, meeting hands with hair at every opportunity; It causes the sweat, oil and dirt in your hand to pass to the hair, thus accelerating the dirtiness and oiliness of your hair. Therefore, try to break the habit of playing with your hair, if any.
  • Over-combing your hair has the same effect as rubbing hands.
  • Frequent hair treatments are among the factors that increase lubrication. Frequent blow-drying or straightening triggers lubrication by disrupting the natural structure of your hair with the effect of high heat applied.
  • Hot water is also among the factors that increase the oil rate in your hair. Using warm water instead of hot water while taking a shower or washing your hair is much more beneficial for both your skin and hair health. Warm water prevents your hair from getting greasy fast.
  • When you expose your hair to styling agents such as gel and spray, you will shorten the oiling and contamination time. That’s why, especially if you have oilier hair than normal, do not apply such styling agents to your hair unless it is very necessary.
  • Another important factor that triggers rapid lubrication can be summarized as wrong and malnutrition. Ready-to-eat and fast-food diets that contain excess fat mean overloading your body with more than necessary fat. An oily body also results in oily skin and easily greasy hair. In order to protect your general physical health and to get rid of the problem of oily hair, avoid consuming excessively oily foods, and choose natural and healthy foods.

Your hair can be long, short, straight, curly, thin or thick. The problem of greasy is a common problem that can occur independently of all these features and therefore affects a very large mass. If you are complaining about your greasy hair, first know that you are not alone, and then, without wasting time, start implementing the most effective measures to remove oily hair from being a problem for you. In a short time, you will happily witness that getting oily is no longer a problem for your hair.

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