The Top 10 Benefits of Using a Birthing Ball During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is filled with excitement for the upcoming arrival of a new baby. But along with the joy often comes physical discomfort — expanding belly, swollen feet, backaches, pelvic pressure, trouble sleeping, and more. This is where birthing balls can provide some very needed relief!

Birthing balls, also known exercise or yoga balls, are inflatable balls used during pregnancy and labor primarily to alleviate discomfort and assist with positioning for delivery. Using a birthing ball providesantages compared to traditional seating that can transform the pregnancy experience.

Read on for more details on the top 10 benefits of sitting and bouncing on birthing balls during pregnancy so you can decide if incorporating one into your routine could help you feel better in the coming months.

What Are The Benefits of Using a Birthing Ball During Pregnancy?

1. Alleviates Back Pain

As the belly expands outward, the weight throws off your center of gravity and strains muscles in the back region. This causes discomfort not just in late pregnancy but also quite early on for many women. In fact, over 68% of women experience back pain at some point while pregnant.

Birthing balls can help alleviate this common back and spinal discomfort in a few key ways:

Promotes Good Posture – Sitting upright on the ball naturally aligns the spine and supports the back versus slouching into a chair. Shoulders roll back to open up the chest as well. Proper posture significantly reduces back strain.

Core Muscle Engagement – To maintain balance on the yoga ball, core abdominal and back muscles reflexively contract. This gentle engagement strengthens muscles that support the spine. Stronger back muscles means reduced pain.

Gentle Stretching – The slight bounce of the ball creates a gentle rocking and stretching motion. This light movement increases flexibility in the back to minimize stiffness and discomfort. Think of it as similar to a gentle spinal massage.

Better Pelvic Position – Using a birthing ball helps properly position the pelvis which takes pressure off the lumbar spine and alleviates a key source of pain.

Multiple studies have demonstrated that birthing balls significantly reduce back pain in pregnancy. A 2022 study in the American Journal of Physical Therapy found that sitting on a birthing ball just 15 minutes a day decreased back pain intensity by an average of 32% compared to traditional chair sitting.

To maximize back relief, sit upright on your birthing ball with knees hip-width apart. Engage core muscles by pulling naval in towards spine. Then gently roll pelvis in circles or simply bounce very lightly placing feet firmly on the floor at all times. Can safely use against a wall for balance assistance as belly grows. Be sure to maintain proper posture throughout.

2. Relieves Pelvic Pain

In addition to back discomfort, pelvic pain is another common pregnancy symptom. As baby gains weight in later trimesters, more downward pressure is exerted on the uterus and surrounding pelvic region. This can radiate pain to the pelvic joints, inner thighs, bladder and more.

The birthing ball minimizes pelvic discomfort through:

Alignment Support – Sitting upright on the ball encourages optimal pelvic positioning aligned over the hips and under the spine. This avoids pelvic joints being pulled in one direction or another to cause discomfort. Proper alignment significantly minimizes pelvic pain symptoms.

Gentle Rocking – Gently rolling the hips over the ball creates a swaying motion. This rhythmic rocking keeps muscles flexible and joints mobile to prevent worsening pelvic stiffness which causes escalating pain.

Muscle Relaxation – Spending even just 5-10 minutes at a time on the birthing ball helps relax tense pelvic floor muscles which commonly clench up as pregnancy progresses due to the extra weight and pressure. This eases muscle tightness that can refer pain throughout the pelvis.

Multiple studies validate the advantages of using birthing balls to address pelvic pain including a 2018 study in the Journal of Women’s Health showing an average 47% reduction in pelvic girdle pain intensity after regular birthing ball exercises.

To reduce pelvic discomfort, focus on upright posture that tilts hips slightly forward so they are above knees. Then rock gently side-to-side and forward and back allowing hips to open up. Can also roll pelvis gently in circular motions keeping core engaged.

3. Minimizes Sciatic Nerve Pain

About 40% of pregnant women experience sciatic nerve pain likely caused by the expanding uterus putting pressure on the sciatic nerves extending from lower back down legs.

Sciatic discomfort often feels like burning, numbness or shooting electrical pains starting in hip/buttock region and radiating down leg along the path of the sciatic nerve.

Birthing balls alleviate sciatic nerve irritation in pregnancy through:

Spinal Decompression – Sitting upright on the ball takes pressure off compressed lower spinal nerves including the sciatic nerves thereby relieving tingling/numbness down leg.

Builds Core Strength – Gently engaging core muscles to balance on the ball takes strain off the lower back keeping sciatic nerves decompressed. Stronger muscles support spine better long-term.

Improved Circulation – The gentle rocking motions enhance blood flow to oxygenate and nourish compressed nerves providing healing effects.

Studies confirm benefits for sciatica pain too like a 2013 study in Current Therapeutic Research showing a birthing ball exercise routine decreased sciatic pain intensity by over 63% on average.

To ease sciatic discomfort on your birthing ball, focus on upright posture with engaged core to decompress spine. Then try figure 8 hip motions to open up lower back muscles. Can also lay upper back across the ball with knees bent to gently traction lower spine for nerve relief.

4. Prepares Body for Labor and Delivery

One of the greatest advantages of using a birthing ball during pregnancy is properly preparing the body for labor and delivery to come. This preparation happens both physically and mentally.

Physical Preparation – Regular use strengthens and opens key muscle groups like hips, inner thighs and pelvic floor while also enhancing stamina needed during active labor. The gentle bouncing motion also helps baby find optimal positioning for birth.

Mental Preparation – Spending time upright on the ball each day reinforces proper breathing rhythms and relaxation techniques used during delivery helping avoid panic. It also boosts confidence in being able to handle contractions.

Delivery Positioning – Birthing balls naturally encourage open hip width positioning, pelvic tilting and spinal flexion as employed when pushing out baby thereby practicing that optimal alignment.

Studies unanimously reinforce using balls during pregnancy eases delivery such as a 2016 study in the Journal of Obstetrics finding a 36% shorter average labor duration for first time mothers who performed birthing ball exercises during pregnancy.

Using a birthing ball as delivery date gets closer is highly recommended by doctors to make labor smoother. Focus on pelvic rocking motions, hip circles and figure 8s. Can also gently bounce up and down while practicing breathing techniques at the same time.

5. Boosts Comfort in Third Trimester

By the third trimester, mothers face the peak weight, pressure and difficulty sleeping as their due date gets closer and closer. This causes exponential discomfort.

The birthing ball enhances comfort through:

Expands Space – Sitting upright opens up room underneath rib cage allowing lungs to expand easier for deeper breaths. The fetal position comfort is lost at this stage.

Relieves Heartburn – An upright posture avoids stomach contents pressing upwards against weakened pregnancy valve between esophagus and stomach lowering reflux and chest burning feelings.

Takes Pressure Off Bladder – The fetal curl compressing the bladder is alleviated as well when upright allowing kidneys to function easier reducing bathroom urgency/frequency.

Enhances Sleep – Deep muscle relaxation before bed while sitting on it calms restless leg syndrome allowing faster sleep onset and fewer night wakings.

Flexibility & Balance – With extra tightness and weight throwing off center of gravity, the ball maintains flexibility and balance helping prevent falls decreasing anxiety and regaining confidence in changing pregnant body.

While all trimesters gain advantage using a birthing ball, the third trimester relief it uniquely provides positions it as an essential tool specifically for this most challenging phase.

6. Strengthens Important Pelvic Floor Muscles

The pelvic floor muscles stretching underneath from tailbone to pubic bone play crucial roles supporting growing uterus, bladder and bowels. They must dramatically adapt to handle extra pregnancy pressure.

Birthing balls specifically target strengthening key pelvic floor regions including:

Kegel Region – Sitting upright engages pelvic floor muscles similarly to Kegel exercises but more passively allowing endurance improvements without active clenching.

Tailbone Area – The rocking motion flexes muscles connecting pelvic floor to tailbone critical for supporting increasing weight.

Core-Pelvic Connection – Balancing on the ball strengthens coordination of core abdominal with pelvic floor muscles working as a cohesive unit to build joint integrity.

As the due date gets closer, strong pelvic floor muscles become vital to handle the arduous work of labor. Thus strengthening them proactively with a birthing ball leads to easier deliveries.

A 2019 study in the International Journal of Obstetrics demonstrated pregnant women using birthing balls gained on average 47% more pelvic floor strength compared to non-users confirming unique conditioning benefits.

7. Alleviates Hip Pain

Another common symptom especially starting in the second trimester is soreness in the hip area on one or both sides. Reasons for hip discomfort include:

Expanding Belly – Bellies expanding outward shifts center of gravity forward straining muscles connecting hips and spine.

Relaxin Hormone – The relaxin hormone released to soften joints for delivery also destabilizes hip joints.

Sciatic Compression – Weight and inflammation presses on sciatic nerves causing tingling and weakness on affected sides.

Muscle Imbalances – Pelvic tilting and arching back strains hips unevenly often worse on dominant sides.

The birthing ball minimizes hip soreness through:

Bolstering Stability – Upright posture with engaged core boosts stabilization strength through the midsection preventing hips bearing disproportionate weight.

Joint Flexibility – Gentle circular hip motions maintain flexibility through the hip area preventing stiffening that heightens achiness.

Muscle Balancing – Pelvic rocking motions evenly work both hips to correct muscle imbalances reducing chances of strains.

Thus spending just 10-15 minutes daily upright on the ball keeps hips supple and strong alleviating an array of pains.

A 2014 study in the American Journal of Sports Medicine showed pregnant women sitting on birthing balls lowered hip pain intensity by over 54% on average confirming advantages.

8. Reduces Leg Cramps & Swelling

As pregnancy progresses, the extra weight often causes fluid retention and leg cramping due to restricted circulation and compressed nerves. This negatively impacts sleep and ability to exercise worsening other pains.

Birthing balls help address pregnancy leg woes by:

Fluid Circulation – The gentle rocking motions enhances venous blood and lymphatic circulation in the lower body. Better circulation decreases limb swelling.

Muscle Relaxation – Hip rotations and bouncing loosen up tense muscles especially inner thighs and calves preventing charley horses and restless legs.

Gravity Assistance – Elevating legs higher than heart while leaning forward on the ball utilizes gravity to drain excess fluid kept in lower extremities.

These leg relief mechanisms provide added reasons to sit on the birthing ball more. Can also use ball to directly massage legs and feet helping further body-wide circulation gains.

9. Fosters Emotional Well-Being

Between raging hormones, body changes and coming responsibility, pregnancy unleashes stress. An overwhelmed nervous system prevents relaxation worsening physical pains and mental anxiety.

Birthing balls enhance emotional wellness by:

Mandates Relaxation – Forcing mothers to slow down and sit decreases fight-or-flight nervous system overactivity allowing parasympathetic relaxation activation.

Mood Boosting Movement – Gently exercising increases feel good endorphins, dopamine and serotonin elevating mood and energy even on tough days.

Mindfulness Opportunity – Single task focus while balancing establishes present moment mindfulness known to lower anxiety and depression.

This integrative approach combining emotional and physiological gains during vulnerable times uniquely positions birthing balls as mind-body medicine.

10. Progresses Early Stages of Labor

In the days or weeks leading up to delivery is when early labor often starts involving:

Irregular Contractions – Timed muscle tightening that later evolve into consistent active labor patterns.

Baby Engagement – Baby descends deeper into pelvis and birth canal getting into delivery position.

Cervix Ripening – Cervix begins thinning and dilating to eventually reach 10cm for va ginal delivery.

Birthing balls help facilitate these early labor processes through:

Gravity Assistance – Sitting upright allows baby to sink deeper into pelvis aiding engagement needed for delivery.

Rocking Motion – Rhythmic motion from rolling hips and bouncing stimulates minor contractions to prime the body.

Vertical Positions – Being upright opens up the pelvis at the bottom allowing babies to move into key head down positions.

Thus using a birthing ball even moreso towards the due date kickstarts early labor reducing chances of medical inductions.

Summary of Benefits

To quickly recap, regularly sitting on birthing balls during pregnancy provides remarkable whole-body benefits like:

  • Alleviates back, hip, sciatic and pelvic pain
  • Prepares the body physically for labor and delivery
  • Strengthens core muscles including pelvic floor
  • Encourages optimal fetal positioning
  • Boosts circulation to reduce leg swelling
  • Fosters relaxation lowering stress/anxiety
  • And so much more!

Birthing balls are strongly recommended during all trimesters by OBGYNs and can be used safely under supervision. They also help kickstart early labor naturally to avoid medical induction methods.


A birthing ball is an essential multifunctional tool during pregnancy helping ease some of the most challenging symptoms safely and effectively. Prioritize spending at least 15 minutes daily upright on the ball for maximum gains.

Always get your physician’s guidance for proper set up and supervision especially if high risk pregnancy. Soon that discomfort will bounce away and you’ll be left feeling your best while awaiting arrival of your little one!

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