Black Tea: How Healthy is It Really?

Black tea is one of the most popular teas. You can find out here whether it is really healthy and everything about its preparation.

Black Tea: Varieties and Taste

The taste and effect of black tea always depends on the selected variety. The following varieties are very popular with us:

  • Darjeeling
  • Earl Grey
  • Ceylon
  • Assam

It is best to use organic fair trade tea to help protect the environment. Black tea tastes spicy, nutty, fine, strong or sweet, depending on the variety. As you can see, black tea cannot be pressed into one category.

Well-known tea-growing countries include Kenya, Indonesia, Nepal and Rwanda. Of the known varieties, Darjeeling tastes very fine, while Ceylon is very aromatic. Assam tea stands out for its malty taste experience.

Important Ingredients

  • The leaves contain caffeine, which is also known as teaine. It is identical to the caffeine in coffee.
  • Vitamin B1
  • Vitamin B2
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Iron
  • Copper
  • Phosphate
  • Fluorine
  • Manganese
  • Tannins, also called tannins

Effect of Black Tea

  • Invigorating effect of caffeine: However, a cup of black tea contains only half as much caffeine as a cup of coffee. In addition, the caffeine in tea is absorbed more slowly by the body, so you will notice a weaker effect. However, this effect lasts longer than with coffee.
  • The caffeine also ensures better concentration.
  • The tannins in black tea can lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. They also have an antibacterial effect on the body.
  • The tanning agents can also have a positive effect on the stomach and intestines and calm them down.

Black Tea and Green Tea in Comparison

  • Black tea and green tea can hardly be considered in isolation from each other. After all, they originate from the same plant. The difference lies in the production process.
  • While black tea is fermented, green tea remains unfermented. It is through fermentation that black tea gets its dark note and its distinctive taste. Green tea is much lighter and finer.

Black Tea: Preparation

  1. Use one teaspoon of tea per cup or take about five teaspoons for one liter of water. Depending on the type of tea you can use a little more for light Darjeeling and a little less for strong Assam. If you don’t like the taste, change the amount of tea instead of the brewing time.
  2. Pour boiled water over the tea mixture and let it steep for about two minutes. A shorter brewing time will give a milder taste. Make sure that you remove the leaves immediately afterwards.

Is Black Tea Healthy?

  • Black tea contains many ingredients that are beneficial to health (see above). Black tea is even said to have a soothing effect on diarrhoea. However, the infusion time must be extended to about 10 minutes. However, this should remain an exception.
  • Because only at the prescribed time you have control over the development of the tanning agents and their effect. Because of the caffeine, black tea often comes into disrepute for causing heart palpitations. But first of all, it always depends on the amount and secondly, the caffeine has a much weaker effect than in coffee.
  • It is important that you do not consume only black tea all day. This could lead to an iron and vitamin deficiency. For pregnant women, fruit tea is also a better choice.
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