Can’t Lose Weight? 5 Things that Slow Down Your Metabolism

Despite sport and a healthy diet, the success in losing weight simply won’t happen? Then maybe these 5 things slow down your metabolism.

How you can stimulate your metabolism, you probably all know. But are you also aware that there are various things that slow down your metabolism? We’ll tell you five things you should avoid if you want to lose weight:

1. Lack of Sleep

You always get to bed late or have a very irregular sleep? Then this could be the reason why your metabolism is out of rhythm. Sufficient sleep is especially important to allow the body time for regeneration. And not to get ravenous appetite attacks the next day.

2. Sitting

For people who sit at their desk or on the couch for long periods of time, the metabolism slows down. The body runs on low heat – as it does at night – and is in sleep mode. So if you have an office job, you should interrupt your work at regular intervals and move around. Do a short workout or run around the block, the fresh air works wonders on body and mind.

3. Fitness Training

No question, fitness training is better than no training at all. It defines the muscles and is effective. Nevertheless, women should strive for a combination of endurance and strength in the long run. The reason: Strength training boosts the metabolism particularly strongly and activates fat burning long after the sport.

4. Irregular Meals

Irregular meals are at least as bad as irregular sleep. Because: If you don’t have fixed meal times, the biochemical processes in the body lose their rhythm. The “I’ll let the breakfast go” faction should be mentioned: if there are more than 16 hours between meals, the body sounds the alarm and slows down the metabolism.

5. Protein Deficiency

With a healthy nutrition, which is to boosten the metabolism at the same time, a component may not be missing: protein. Because protein stimulates your fat metabolism and helps build muscle. In addition, proteins contained in eggs, lean meat and quark, for example, keep you full for a long time and provide energy. Those who rely only on carbohydrates also have to live with a slow metabolism – and ravenous hunger attacks deluxe.

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