Dreams About Bed: Meaning and Interpretation

The bed serves as a place to retreat and find peace and relaxation.

If there are materials in this place in your dream, such as books or records that you work with in the waking world, your profession seems to follow you into the dream. You are always ready to start a new project and are very busy. On the other hand, if the bed in your dream is perfectly made, it could be a sign that you are afraid to become active yourself and prefer to delegate responsibility to others. If you are also lying in bed in your dream, this could indicate in the dream interpretation that you are currently overworked and urgently need time out.

Very obvious is the bed as a dream symbol of security and affection for the person with whom you share it in your dreams and can thus also express sexual desires that are not lived out in reality. Here the size of the bed in the dream plays a role and can be interpreted as a dream symbol for the importance of sexuality in your life.

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