Effectively Lose Weight: How Does The Logi-Method Work?

The Logi-method is a low-carbohydrate diet, the menu is full of vegetables and protein. How effective can I lose weight with it?

What is The Logi Method?

LOGI stands for “Low Glycemic and Insulinemic Diet” and was not originally intended to be a diet at all. Nutritionist Nicolai Worm has designed this nutrition program primarily for people who suffer from so-called insulin resistance, a metabolic disorder in which those affected release more insulin, which causes blood fat levels and blood pressure to shoot up – and in the worst case can develop into type II diabetes. Doctors call this “metabolic syndrome”. In order to combat this, the Logi concept is mainly oriented towards low carb.

Worm sees the causes for metabolic disorders in our unhealthy lifestyle: “Little exercise, little sleep and little sunlight – but lots of food, especially carbohydrate-rich foods such as pasta and pizza, and then something sweet afterwards. A complete change of diet and a tough sports program would be the solution, but it requires a lot of discipline and is difficult for most people. The Logi Method is therefore designed to improve blood levels even if the person concerned does not lose weight at all.

Elementary at Logi: Keeping The Blood Sugar Level Low

As with the similarly designed Montignac Method, Logi also aims to keep blood sugar levels and insulin secretion constantly low. Montignac’s method refers to the so-called glycemic index, which tells us how much individual foods cause our blood sugar level to rise.

Glycemic Load, Low Carb

The Logi method, however, is aimed at the glycemic load, an extension of the glycemic index that includes the amount of carbohydrates ingested in the calculation. The Logi method can be counted as a low-carb diet, if one wishes to consider it as such, but it allows much more room for manoeuvre in the consumption of carbohydrates than stricter forms such as the Atkins diet.

The Logi Method 2.0

Nicolai Worm has meanwhile revised the nutritional concept based on new scientific findings and offers different variants for Logi:

  • Classic / ad-libitum variant: Logi is usually a Mediterranean and / or Asian dietary form, which is in the low-carb range. There are no concrete specifications for nutrients or calories. Three daily meals are recommended, but the concept can also be combined with interval fasting and is intended to additionally boost the metabolism.
  • Turbo-Logi: If you would like to lose a lot of weight at the beginning because you feel motivated, the new Turbo-Logi is the right choice. The extra starter programme sets fixed menus for 14 days and allows a daily intake of only 1,000 calories. The aim is to learn the general concept quickly and then, motivated by the initially rapid weight loss, to continue with the “normal” Logi method.
  • Formula plus Logi: Here prefabricated shakes are combined with the normal Logi concept as a meal replacement. This should serve all those who have difficulties with the general implementation of the diet and / or to accelerate weight loss. For two weeks, three high-quality shakes a day are drunk, in addition small vegetable meals (about 200 calories / day) are on the program. After the two weeks only one or two meals are replaced with the shakes. This variant of Logi is not suitable for long-term use!

Anyone who wants to lose weight with Logi should therefore choose the variant that best suits them and their needs.

The Steps of The Logi-Pyramid from Bottom to Top

The food pyramid known for the Logi concept has also been updated and now looks like this:

  • Basis of the Logi method: fruit and starch-free vegetables. Salad and vegetables should be eaten in abundance, because they are full of good nutrients and fibre. Be careful with fruit: the sweeter the fruit, the higher the amount of sugar or carbohydrates – and thus a higher glycemic load – is in it. Therefore, only low-sugar varieties such as apples or berries are recommended.
  • Stage 1: Logi’s programme includes three portions of natural dairy products per day and three portions of fish per week to ensure a high protein intake. Good sources are eggs, lean meat, milk, yoghurt and quark.
  • Step 2: Even more protein and healthy fatty acids from high-fat dairy products (e.g. camembert), nuts, olives, legumes and sugary fruit are sorted in here, but should not be eaten as often overall.
  • Stage 3: These include fibre-rich foods made from healthy carbohydrates such as potatoes, sweet potatoes or oatmeal. Overall, they should be eaten rather rarely.
  • Stage 4: Highly processed foods with a high starch content such as ready meals, fast food or products made from white flour (e.g. pasta) are considered to be high-calorie and unhealthy and should only be included on the menu in exceptional cases.
  • Pyramid tip: Sugar and sweeteners in any form (e.g. honey) are best avoided completely or used only very sparingly.

For Whom is The Logi-Method Intended?

According to Worm, the Logi method is in principle suitable for all people. However, it has been specially designed for people who are overweight or suffer from the above-mentioned diseases such as diabetes type II or elevated blood fat and blood sugar levels.

Conclusion: Should I Opt for The Logi Method?

  • Yes, if you want to lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way and are not afraid to avoid carbohydrates as much as possible and change your diet completely.
  • No, if you can’t live without pasta, rice, potatoes and dessert and don’t want to limit yourself greatly. In that case, moderate programs like the 5:2 diet would be more to your liking.
1 Comment
  1. Milagros paez says

    I would like to start. I have researching and this is what I need.

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