Eye Makeup For Green Eyes: The Best Tips

You have green eyes and don’t really know which nuances harmonize perfectly with your eye color? We show you how to make up green eyes and give you the best make-up tips for a successful eye make-up.

Eye makeup for green eyes – These colors fit

Green eyes are ideally highlighted with eye shadow in warm colors. Natural nuances, especially nude and earth tones such as brown, beige, ochre and khaki are ideal for daytime make-up. In the evening, the eye make-up can be more intense: Metallic colors such as gold, copper and bronze provide radiant highlights. Smokey Eyes in darker brown and softer beige tones are also great. By the way, we’ll explain how you can make up Smokey Eyes here.

With a more powerful eye make-up, make up the lips and cheeks only discreetly. Otherwise the make-up appears overloaded. Lips in peach, rosé or beige tones go ideally with Smokey Eyes. Make sure to apply black mascara to the eyelashes.

You should follow these tips

If you want to make up green eyes, skin type and hair color also play an important role:

  • Women with red or blonde hair and a light complexion look good in lighter shades such as nude (e.g. gray, beige), purple, rosé, mauve or plum.
  • To darker hair and a darker complexion go with stronger colors such as brown, gold or violet.

As a general rule, the darker the skin and hair, the more vigorously the color can be applied.

Eye makeup for green eyes – The biggest no-go’s

  • Cold colors like blue, turquoise, yellow or silver make green eyes fade and take away the radiance of the eye color. Better: Anthracite or grey.
  • Black eyeshadow or kohl is much too dark and visually reduces the size of the eyes. More flattering, on the other hand, are kajal pencil and eyeliner in dark green, dark brown and anthracite.
  • Green eyes can be perfectly emphasized with complementary colors. However, you should avoid red eye shadow, as it makes the eyes look sickly. Better: Shimmering copper tones or colors that are neighboring in the color spectrum, such as brown, pink or violet and purple with a reddish component.
  • You should also avoid green eye shadow. This makes the eye color disappear.
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