Great Change: She Lost 77 Kilos and Her Face Has Halved

Kaylee once weighed 220 kilos. But then the doctors warned her that her life was at stake. Now she has declared war on the kilos and you can see that especially on her face!

Kaylee has always been overweight as long as she can remember. Even in high school, she weighed 150 kilos. Every day was a struggle for her. She tells how bad it was for her: “If you have to worry about which chair you fit in or whether a chair will hold you up or hope that your hair is not sweaty when you go from point A to B is running, “said the 24-year-old to Cosmopolitan. All of this has made it difficult for her. She was stared at and insulted in public: “Children and adults gave me dirty looks as if I were a circus animal.”

Her life was at stake

At some point, she didn’t want to leave the house because of it. At 23 years old, Kaylee weighed 205 pounds. The doctors warned her of a possible heart attack if she did not change her weight. She decided to get a gastric bypass. But before the operation she had to lose 20 kilos. She knew that her life was at stake now and that she would have to change her situation radically. So she started a high-protein and low-carb diet and managed to lose almost 40 kilos in five months.

Consistent change of diet

And so the operation could be performed. Kaylee has made some major lifestyle changes. Not only has she removed high-fat foods from her diet, she is now eating only 800 calories a day and doing cross-fit three times a week.

What an achievement and above all what a discipline! She has already lost a total of 77 kilos, but she dreams of weighing only 100 kilos. She is already well on the way to achieving this goal.

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