Headache Relief: This Miracle Drink Makes Headaches Go Away

There are several medications for headaches. However, if you want to use natural remedies, you should try the following miracle drink.

Whether it’s a change in the weather, neck tension, menstruation or a lack of fluids: the list of reasons for headaches and migraines can be continued at will. Many people, especially women, suffer from throbbing pains in the head – and in an emergency they take aspirin, ibuprofen or paracetamol. In the long run, however, this is not the right solution for your body.

The Miracle drink for headaches

A suitable alternative for commercially available painkillers comes from traditional medicine. The drink is mixed from the following ingredients: half a liter of water, the juice of one lemon and two teaspoons of Himalayan salt. Simply mix everything together and drink the half litre in normal sips. Both the lemon and the salt have wonderful properties that reduce tension and promote blood circulation.

Himalayan salt promotes the production of serotonin, which significantly reduces pain. Also practical: blood circulation is improved, muscle cramps are prevented and excess acids in the cells are regulated. Lemon juice ensures that your vitamin C storage is replenished. Other antioxidants also combat free radicals and thus prevent secondary diseases.

Natural remedies instead of medicines

The following selection of aids also produces positive effects against headaches:

  • Vanilla contains eugenol, an essential oil that helps unblock clogged blood vessels. The oil is also said to have an antiseptic and pain-relieving effect.
  • Simply massage a few drops of peppermint essential oil into your temporal sides. Peppermint prevents the body from sending pain signals to the central nervous system.
  • Cinnamon can also work wonders against headaches. Simply mix a teaspoon of finely ground cinnamon with a teaspoon of water and apply the mixture to the forehead. The remedy is said to be very effective against headaches caused by weather changes.
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