How and Why Do Facelift Surgery?

Facelift surgery is the operation that creates the biggest change according to all other aesthetic operations. If you look older and feel older than you feel, and you want to give yourself a big gift, facelift surgery will be the right option for you.

There are several different methods of facelift surgery.  In choosing the method, the health status of the patient, smoking, age, sex, age of the face, skin condition, and the structure of the face bones play an important role. Therefore, almost different procedures can be planned for each patient. In addition, the size of the operation can be decided according to the degree of aging and sagging of patient’s face. In some patients, eyebrow removal, eyelids, chin aesthetics and neck aesthetics can also be added to face lift surgery.

What Are The Goals of This Surgery?

Pitting and wrinkles formed under the eye, jaw line broken by the dangling tissues, lubrication and sags in the neck are the target areas of face lift surgery.

Classic face lift techniques are preferred for patients with a lot of skin wrinkles and sagging. In this technique, an incision is made starting from patient’s sideburns region and proceeding to the front of the ear and then to the back of the ear. The success of this surgery depends not on the skin but on the stretching of the underlying tissues. No stretching should be left on the skin. Otherwise, the skin becomes very stretched during recovery and leaves a bad mark. However, long-lasting results can be achieved with the help of deep tissue hanging. Another technique used in facelift surgery is a technique called endoscopy which is performed in conjunction with surgical cameras of 4 mm thickness. In this technique, the deep tissues are stretched and fixed by means of small incisions made in the scalp. Patients who do not have much sagging on their face, no problems in the jaw line and less skin wrinkling are more suitable for endoscopic face lift.

How Long Do These Surgeries Last?

Facelift surgery may last 4-6 hours. This may be long for you, but do not be afraid. If you want a facelift with permanent and long-lasting effect, you should know that this is possible with an operation performed with fine calculations.

Healing Process

During the first 3 days after facelift, intense edema-swelling may occur in your face. Later, with decreasing swelling, your face may begin to develop bruises at a slight. Your sutures will be taken in the first week. Within 7-10 days, bruises and swellings will disappear. A slight swelling that you can hide easily with make-up can last 2-3 weeks. Complications such as bleeding after facelift surgery, inflammation and opening at the wound sites, infection, reduced feeling of the skin, and nerve damage may occur.

Is There an Age Limit for This Surgery?

There is no age limit for face lift surgery unless your general health condition is bad. However, aging effects are known to accelerate from the age of 45. For this reason, age 50 is the ideal age for facelift surgery. However, it is useful to emphasize this point; you should not expect to get very old to be facelift. Because face lift surgery is one of the best investments you will make to yourself, and the sooner you make that investment, the longer you will enjoy it.

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