How Bad Is It to Not Brush Your Teeth Before Bed?

We fall asleep in front of the TV at night and then forget to brush our teeth. But is that really bad?

It is known to everyone, actually: We should brush our teeth at least in the morning and evening so that we can still use them in a few decades. But is it really bad if we forget our dental hygiene in the evening? The simple answer is: Yes!

Lack of dental hygiene can have long-term consequences

It is true that you do not get caries directly if you forget to clean your teeth. Nevertheless, food remains and other bacteria are deposited in the mouth and multiply overnight. This is due to the reduced saliva flow during the night, which makes the oral cavity more susceptible and reduces its protective function. The multiplying bacteria in turn develop acids that attack the tooth enamel.

If the teeth are not brushed or only superficially brushed for a longer period of time, plaque forms on the teeth – and after a certain period of time it can no longer be removed. In the long run, this can lead to serious gum inflammation (periodontitis) and persistent bad breath.

All in all: We should ALWAYS brush our teeth in the evening and make sure that about 20 minutes elapse between eating and cleaning. Especially if we have eaten citrus fruits, as they attack the enamel.

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