How to Delay Your Period Naturally

It is inevitable: once a month we get our period. So that it doesn’t come at the most inopportune moments, we have tips for postponing it for you.

If you are not pregnant or already going through the menopause, having your period once a month is simply part of life. However, it usually comes at the most inappropriate moments – such as on holiday, on a romantic date or on the holidays. So you can delay your menstruation a little!

With hormones: Do not chisel the cycle in stone

If you take the contraceptive pill or the Nuva ring, you can postpone your period relatively easily. The simplest solution: You just keep taking the pill or put the next ring straight in. The next period only starts when you take a break. Incidentally, this is also a tried and tested remedy for people who have headaches during the period.

If you are not taking hormones, you can take progestin-containing hormone tablets once only for this case. The pills postpone your period by about two weeks and may only be taken in consultation with your gynaecologist. Because: the hormone tablets can really upset your cycle.

Without hormones: Delay your period naturally

Anyone can do it with hormones, but how does postponing your period work in a natural way? One way is to use herbs like monk’s pepper or yarrow, which are said to be able to delay the onset of menstruation. However, this only works if the herbal remedies are taken regularly in tablet or tea form.

It is best to work out in advance when your menstruation should start, using a cycle calendar – and drink several cups of tea with yarrow every day from the first day of the new cycle. But be careful: this method is not really suitable for permanent use, as it can throw your cycle out of rhythm.

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