How to Get Rid of Dry, Rough Elbows in 10 Minutes

We can hardly avoid rough elbows in winter. In the article you can see with which home remedies your elbows become as soft as never before!

Acid makes soft

The rough skin on our elbows requires special attention: Often the desired effect is not achieved despite moisturizing body lotion and rich oils. In addition, there is the fact that hardly any fat accumulates on the elbows. The elbow is predestined for rough and extremely dry areas. But a simple household remedy can help:

All you need for unbeatable tender elbows in the future is a lemon! Cut the fruit in half and squeeze out both halves. Now support yourself with your elbows in one of the lemon halves for about 10 minutes.

The fruit acid contained in the lemon softens the upper, rough horny layer. Wash your skin carefully after the time is up! Then just dry off.

These 3 home remedies also make soft the elbows

  • Honey: Heat 2 tablespoons of meadow blossom honey in a water bath at a maximum of 40 degrees and mix with 1 tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Spread it on the rough spot and let it work for about 30 minutes. Rinse afterwards.
  • Mix the peeling with 2 tablespoons of sea salt and 1 tablespoon of olive oil yourself and rub off at elbows.
  • Rub a piece of pineapple flesh over the elbows and rinse off after about five minutes.

Very important: Do not forget to apply a thick layer of cream afterwards. The fruit acid attacks the skin and otherwise makes it even drier than before.

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