How to Grow Your Eyelashes Faster: Unusual Tips & Tricks

Long eyelashes and a hot look – that’s what many women want. We have the best tips to help the eyelashes grow faster.

1. The right care

It sounds so banal and yet it is the be-all and end-all for long lashes: the right care. Because thick layers of mascara and evening make-up removal put a lot of strain on the lashes. As a result, the small hairs break off faster than we can react. Normally, eyelashes can be up to twelve millimeters long. But in the rarest cases they actually reach this length. The beauty routine is often to blame. Therefore, always be very careful when removing make-up and do not rub the eyes too hard. It is better to stroke gently in one direction with a absorbent cotton pad. Then brush some Vaseline, olive oil or an eye serum over the lashes. This makes them soft, stretchy and protects them from breaking off.

2. Eyelid massages work wonders

What we have known for a long time from our hair on the head, also works with the eyelashes: we are talking about a massage. Regular massages on the scalp should stimulate the blood circulation and thus guarantee a better supply of nutrients to the hair follicles. The same applies to the eyelashes. So if you want to cheat a few millimeters, you should (very carefully and with shortened fingernails!) gently massage the lashes. Those who repeat this regularly will notice changes after a few weeks. The hair should not only grow faster, but also stronger. In order to support the caring effect, you can put a few drops of oil on your fingertips before.

3. Olive oil for more length

Olive oil on the lashes? What sounds like a greasy film, fly bones and glued eyelids is actually a real insider tip for long lashes. Put a few drops of it on an eyelash brush and apply to the hairs every evening before going to bed. If a thin film of grease is still present the next morning, it can be dabbed off with a absorbent cotton pad and some cleansing fluid. After about six weeks the first results are visible. By the way: Through daily use, the oil “colors” the hair even darker. An extra plus.

4. Green tea for more eyelashes

We have often reported about the many health-promoting ingredients of green tea. The hot drink also plays an important role in beauty. It is especially helpful for all those who want thicker and stronger eyelashes. Because the contained flavonoids and tannins strongly stimulate hair growth. For this purpose, put on a green tea, let it steep for at least 15 minutes and wait until it has cooled down. Take up the liquid with a absorbent cotton pad, brush it over the lashes and rinse with cold water. Repeat this process over several months until the desired effect is achieved.

5. Serum for wow lashes

They are probably the discovery of the century for all fans of full, long and sweeping lashes: eyelash serums. The various products have suddenly appeared on the market, especially in the last two years, and some of them promise success of up to three extra millimeters. So if you want to be absolutely sure of getting significantly longer and thicker lashes, you should use a serum. By the way, the best success is seen after about six weeks.

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