How to Make Nail Polish Dry Faster

Blow, blow-dry, wave your hands? If only nail polish would dry faster … It does – and with our tricks.

How to Make Nail Polish Dry Faster: Blow-dry, blow, cold water?

Anyone who likes to paint their nails knows the problem: depending on the paint, the drying time can take up to 20 minutes. Those who are not patient enough and bump into something with the freshly painted nail can start all over again or have to accept a quirk. Both annoying!

By the way, blowing or breathing on the nails is not a good idea. Even the cold setting of a hairdryer, drying with a fan or waving your hands around with your hands usually works only to a limited extent because the air causes ripples on the nail polish.

Fortunately, there are a few tricks, beyond blowing, that can be used to make the polish on our nails dry faster. We also have the best tricks on how to paint nails so that they look perfect afterwards.

Tips & tricks so that the nails dry faster: Into the ice water!

It sounds a little illogical at first – but in fact it helps to dip your painted nails in cold water. However, the lacquer should have dried for about half a minute before. Otherwise it can happen that the surface becomes a little wavy or even matt. If you want to put your fingers under the running water tap, you should make sure that the jet is not too strong. Instead of dipping your fingers into the water bath, you can also hold them in the freezer for about one minute.

Disadvantage: Some paints react sensitively to shock freezing in a bowl of ice water and become porous faster.

With these products nail polish dries faster

There are numerous products that are designed to accelerate the drying process of nails. They contain so-called drying oils, which ensure that the solvents in the coating evaporate more quickly. It is best to wait about one minute before applying these products so as not to risk any flaws in the freshly applied layer of nail polish. (for example, Morgan Taylor Accelerate Quick Dry Spray)

It is essential that quick-dryer sprays are sprayed from a distance of around 30 centimeters – otherwise the spray shock can damage the coating layer.

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