How to Save Your Skin from Post-Workout Acne

Some mistakes made during and after exercise can cause acne breakouts. Here are ways to prevent exercise acne…

Of course, there is nothing better than exercise. But outdoor exercises may not always be good for skin health. As a result of sweating, clogged pores may occur and skin damage may occur as a result. With hand contact, oils and bacteria disperse on your skin and trigger acne formation. So how can the formation of exercise acne be prevented?

1. Never delay taking a shower

Taking a shower after a workout prevents sweat from sticking to your skin and combining with dead cells to block pores. If you do not have time to take a shower or have access to a shower after the workout, you can use pads containing salicylic or glycolic acid.

2. Cleanse your body properly

To prevent acne formation, you can use antibacterial soaps or soaps containing benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid, which prevent acne formation, instead of regular soap. To get better benefits from benzoyl peroxide products, you can leave these products on for a few minutes before rinsing after applying them to your body.

3. Regular purification

Purifying your body regularly by using purifying cleaning brushes or shower sponges will help prevent acne formation.

4. Choose clothes that breathe

You should choose wide, breathable cotton workout clothes to allow your skin to breathe during exercise. If your clothes are tighter or contain synthetic materials, they will trap sweat and close your pores.

5. Remove your makeup before exercise

Washing your face before training helps you purify your skin from bacteria and dirt. Since sweating opens the pores, unclean skin can allow bacteria to enter the pores more easily. Makeup, even sunscreen, can clog your pores and increase bacterial growth. Therefore, you should remove makeup before exercise.

You can also wear a breathable headband and braid your hair during exercise to reduce the amount of sweat and bacteria on your skin.

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