How to Whiten Your Teeth Naturally at Home

The main secret of smiles that affect the appearance is white and healthy teeth. For this reason, it is necessary to give importance to oral and dental care from childhood.

Experts emphasize that the most important point in dental health is oral hygiene. Reminding that the consumed foods are effective in oral and dental health, experts especially emphasize the positive effect of dark chocolate on teeth whiteness.

Although teeth whitening is seen as a health process based on care, in fact, the most effective condition in teeth whitening is genetic structure. However, the simplest way to prevent this genetic negative situation is the foods consumed. The active substances contained in the foods renew the plaques on the tooth surface.

A piece of dark chocolate

Dark chocolate, which contains a high percentage of polyphenols, prevents the stratification of bacteria on the tooth surface. You can get this benefit by consuming a piece of dark chocolate a day, which reduces the risk of infection in the mouth.

Chew nuts!

The healthiest hazelnuts in nature contain high levels of vitamin E and Omega-3 fatty acids. These substances provide rapid regeneration of cells.

Regularly chewing hazelnuts strengthens the structure of the gums. On the other hand, it prevents the formation of a yellowish layer on the tooth surface. It strengthens and polishes teeth.

Avoid eating suddenly

Cold foods such as ice cream crack dental plaque. Therefore, experts do not recommend consuming ice cream as soon as you take it out of the freezer. Ice and icy foods that weaken enamel can even cause tooth loss.

Be careful when choosing a toothbrush

Hard brushes can lead to bleeding of the gums and the risk of infection over time. That’s why soft toothbrushes are recommended by experts.

For more detailed information about natural teeth whitening at home, you may also want to read our this article: How to Whiten Teeth: 8 Safe, Effective Ways to a Brighter Smile

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