If You Have Shortness of Breath and Heart Palpitations…

The “pulmonary blood pressure”, which develops due to the height of the blood pressure that goes from the heart to clean the lungs, can lead to life-threatening risks if not diagnosed and treated. In the early stages, shortness of breath, palpitations; In the later stages, the disease, which can cause symptoms such as inability to do daily work, swelling in the abdomen and ankles, needs to be intervened in the early period.

Pulmonary hypertension is the increase in blood pressure in the veins that bring the blood circulating in the body from the heart to the lungs to be oxygenated. Although it depends on the causes of heart and lung diseases, it can also occur during the course of rheumatic diseases. Pulmonary tension is a very rare disease in hereditary basis. However, since patients are diagnosed very late, it can be caught in very advanced stages.

It can cause difficulties in daily activities

The most important symptoms in patients with pulmonary hypertension are shortness of breath and heart palpitations. Patients usually state that they cannot fulfill their old conditions. All symptoms can be listed as follows:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Difficulty performing daily routine activities
  • Weakness, fatigue fast
  • Chest pain
  • Cough
  • Palpitation
  • Fainting
  • Progressive swelling in the abdomen and ankles

Since the symptoms are related to both the heart and the lungs, patients with such complaints should be evaluated by a cardiologist and chest diseases specialist. A patient with pulmonary hypertension should definitely continue follow-up and treatment in fully equipped hospitals followed by many departments. Cardiology, chest diseases, cardiovascular surgery specialist and radiology specialist must be in this team.

Right-sided heart failure may occur in advanced stages

Pulmonary hypertension is not diagnosed in a routine physical examination. An advanced examination must be done. First, echocardiographic examination is required. If pulmonary hypertension is detected by echocardiography, electrocardiogram, chest radiography, respiratory function tests, blood gas, lung tomography, abdominal ultrasound and various blood tests are applied. Thus, both the diagnosis is made clear and the underlying causes are found. Right heart angiography may be required for patients with pulmonary hypertension detected in these examinations. Right heart angiography is like a routine angio procedure. This procedure is not a treatment method but a diagnostic method. Visualization of the heart cavities and coronary arteries with contrast agent, as well as the measurement of the pressure in the heart cavities and related vessels is based on the measurement of pulmonary blood pressure. If the disease is at an advanced stage, there may be a severe pressure elevation in the part of the heart that collects blood and sends blood to the pulmonary artery. The right side of the heart cannot stand this, and it can lead to right heart failure. If there is right-sided heart failure, the patient may experience signs of swelling in the abdomen and legs.

Personalized treatment options

Treatments are formed according to the age of patients diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension and the underlying causes. After angiography, the diagnosis of the patients becomes clear. Once clear, there are drug treatment options. These drugs are reported by physicians. Patients should come to the physician check-ups every 3 months. If a single drug is not sufficient, the second or third drug status can be switched according to the patient’s condition.

Do not skip routine checks

Patients with pulmonary hypertension should pay attention to the following points:

  • Routine doctor checks should not be interrupted for pulmonary hypertension, which is a progressive disease if untreated,
  • Flu and pneumonia vaccinations should be taken at specified times,
  • Attention should be paid to personal hygiene,
  • Exercises recommended by the doctor should be followed,
  • Smoking should be quit,
  • Medical information about pulmonary hypertension should be present with patients before air travel,
  • If pregnancy is planned, the specialist who follows pulmonary hypertension and the gynecologist and obstetrician should be informed,
  • If necessary, psychological support should be obtained for the disease.
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