Intimate Confession: 10 Mothers about Their Guilt Feelings

Most women do everything for their children – and still have a bad conscience. The reason for this is almost never that they do something wrong, but social pressure. 10 women confessions about their guilt feelings as a mother.

Mothers are simply the best! Unfortunately, society does not teach them this enough. The fact that they sometimes sacrifice themselves and usually do everything in their power to be a good mother is hardly rewarded. Rather, it is taken for granted, and if a woman suddenly doesn’t work or isn’t super happy about her life with children, she is blamed.

The bad conscience of mothers

This is not possible, because it leads to the fact that many mothers develop feelings of guilt, which are rarely justified. Numerous women have shared anonymously on the Whisper platform, which gives them a guilty conscience. What is clear: Usually it is completely legitimate, understandable feelings that cause women to torture themselves and get ready. Here are ten examples.

1. I want my body back

“My little girl isn’t born yet, but I want ‘my body’ back and I feel horrible saying that. I love her and I look forward to seeing her. But I want to feel beautiful in my body again.

2. I have lost myself

“I love my son more than anything, but sometimes I don’t want to be a mother anymore because I feel I’ve lost myself.”

3. I am responsible for my daughter’s problems

“My daughter has psychological problems. I feel terribly guilty for bringing her into the world like this.”

4. I cannot give my son any brothers or sisters

“I have such a guilty conscience because I am a single parent and cannot give my son brothers and sisters. I feel like an inferior woman.”

5. I hate myself for my miscarriage

“I hate myself for having a miscarriage. I feel like a failure as a mother.”

6. I don’t have enough milk for my baby

“My baby drinks so much milk that I now had to supplement with extra food. The fact that she gets the bottle makes me feel like the worst mother ever.”

7. I don’t give enough to my children

“Motherhood at Christmas is the horror. I hate this guilty conscience I always have until Christmas Eve. I always feel like I’m not giving them enough.”

8. I’m spoiling their childhood

“Being a parent is so hard! Sometimes I feel like I’m ruining their childhood. But I am the only parent willing to teach them what life is really like. But I feel so guilty about it.

9. I leave my son with others when I have things to do

“My son is five, and I always feel so guilty when he’s with others so I can get things done.”

10. I need a night to myself

“I need a night to myself so badly. But I already feel guilty that I have to put my children in care so I can work. I hate having to hire a babysitter to go out. This guilty conscience is terrible.”

Anyone who knows these or similar feelings and therefore also has a guilty conscience must be reminded, for better or worse: Your children owe you their lives, their laughter and everything they have. They love you and will never forget what you have done for them. You do what you can, and that is enough. You are heroines! 🙌

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