Losing Weight on The Stomach: How It Really Works!

Slimming on the stomach – often sounds easier than it really is. With these tips you can target this problem area and melt excess pounds!

Help, Belly Grease!

A thick belly is a beauty flaw for many people – but above all it is also very unhealthy. Studies show that a large abdominal girth (more than 88 centimetres waist in women and more than 102 centimetres in men) can promote diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure. The abdominal fat, also known as visceral fat, covers organs such as the liver and pancreas and increases the abdominal girth. And in the worst case this leads to obesity! However, the tissue can also release fatty acids and inflammatory messengers. This in turn has negative effects on blood pressure and blood sugar levels. And abdominal fat can be very persistent if you want to get rid of it – losing weight on the abdomen requires a lot of discipline.

Why Does Fat like to Accumulate on The Stomach?

There are several components that influence whether we accumulate kilos on the stomach, hips or bottom:

  • Genetic predisposition
  • Age
  • Lack of exercise
  • Poor nutrition with lots of carbohydrates, sugar and fat
  • Diseases, for example hypothyroidism

Targeted Weight Loss on The Stomach – Is That Possible?

Unfortunately, there is still no miracle cure that simplifies abdominal weight loss and infallibly boosts metabolism. But: belly fat usually melts a bit faster than hips and buttocks. In order to lose weight on the stomach, two components are essential:

Healthy Nutrition

According to the German Nutrition Society, visceral fat is more sensitive to changes in eating habits than subcutaneous fat. In other words, if fewer calories are eaten, the energy store makes more use of the abdominal fat reserves. But not all calories are the same! Quickly digestible carbohydrates, sugar and fat should only be consumed in small amounts. You should largely do without these foods:

  • Finished products
  • White bread
  • Lemonade
  • Sweets

In order for the body to still get the energy it needs, it needs to be on the diet:

  • Lots of fruit and vegetables
  • Dietary fibres (e.g. in wholemeal products and oat flakes)
  • Lean meat
  • Fish
  • Lean dairy products
  • At least two litres of water daily

It often helps to record in a nutrition diary what you eat during the day. So you have even small sins directly in view.

The Right Movement

A flat stomach is the dream goal – and unfortunately we cannot achieve this without a workout, even though losing weight without sport can generally work. Exercises to lose weight stimulate fat burning and metabolism and help us to turn the annoying fat into beautiful abdominal muscles. Strength training is particularly suitable. With targeted exercises we can declare war on the belly bacon. But strength training on equipment in the fitness centre is also suitable for fighting abdominal fat. The best thing to do is to give an introduction with a trainer and tell him that losing weight on your stomach is your big goal.

Anyone who is completely new to sports or has previous illnesses should have their doctor examine them in advance to see whether there is anything to be said against exercise or which one is an option. If you already have joint problems, your doctor will probably advise you to do sports that are easy on the joints, such as swimming. Because it’s not just a sweaty workout that boosts fat burning and makes for beautiful abdominal muscles! As long as you exercise at least three times a week for two to three hours, you will also burn calories and approach the dream of a flat stomach.

Small Starting Aid in Everyday Life

By the way: Even a few small changes in your daily movements can already bring a lot to burn calories and speed up weight loss on the stomach. For example, take the stairs rather than the elevator and walk quickly during your lunch break.

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