Low Blood Pressure: Home Remedies That Help

Low blood pressure? Home remedies help against the annoying complaints such as lassitude and fatigue. These tips get your circulation going!

If blood pressure is low (hypotension), it is particularly difficult to get up: those affected often have symptoms such as tiredness and dizziness and can hardly get out of bed – some even threaten to faint. But this does not have to be the case! Low blood pressure can usually be brought under control with home remedies.

Can I Treat My Low Blood Pressure Myself?

There are different forms of low blood pressure. Before you treat your symptoms with home remedies yourself, a doctor should determine the appropriate form of hypotension. This is because if there is so-called secondary hypotension, low blood pressure is merely a symptom of another disease such as hypothyroidism.

Instead of using household remedies, the cause, i.e. the existing illness, should be treated with medication. If diseases can be excluded as the cause, there is nothing to be said against self-medication to get the body and blood circulation going.

These Tips and Home Remedies Help against Low Blood Pressure

Low blood pressure: Which remedy helps? Here are our tips:

  • Circulation training is everything! So a lot of cycling, walking or jogging. Five minutes of gymnastics in bed prevent your circulation from weakening as soon as you get up (“cycling” with your legs in the air, light dumbbell training).
  • Drink a lot to fill up the blood vessels – at least two litres of water a day should be in it.
  • Eat licorice and add salt while eating.
  • Alternating shower in the morning: alternately rinse off with cold and warm water – this stimulates the blood circulation.
  • Beetroot dilates the blood vessels and improves blood circulation.
  • Several small meals: The three large meals a day that are often invoked put a great strain on the circulation for a short time – and then it slumps even more. Five to six smaller meals a day are better.
  • Liquorice root: It can not only raise blood pressure, but also relieve the dizziness caused by low blood pressure. It is best to take the dried version of licorice root in a tea. Simply pour boiling water over a teaspoon and let it steep for five minutes. Drink one cup several times a day.
  • A massage of the hand reflex zones (calmly several times a day) harmonizes the blood pressure: To do this, place the thumb of the left hand against the inner surface of the right hand. The left index finger gently strokes through the furrows between the metacarpals, always from bottom to top towards the fingers. At each of the three furrows 15 to 20 times. Then change hands.
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