Mesotherapy for Removing Sun Spots on The Skin

The sun spots left by the summer months can be treated before they turn into permanent scars. If a sunscreen with a factor of at least 50 is not used and the remedy for sun spots caused by genetic predisposition is facial mesotherapy. Here’s what you need to know about facial mesotherapy…

Brown formations on the face are called “Melasma (Sun spot)”. The incidence of these spots, which are more common in women than in men, increases with age.

The mechanism of formation of the stain is that the cells in the stained area produce more melanin pigment (color-giving substance) than the unstained area. The most important indicator of whether a good response can be obtained from the treatment of the stain is the depth of the stain. The more surface the stain is, the more successful the treatment will be.

Many methods are used in the treatment of sun spots. Among these methods, facial mesotherapy is the main one. More successful results are obtained when combined with plasma technology and mesotherapy.

What is facial mesotherapy for sun spots?

Facial mesotherapy is a cure consisting of a mixture of hyaluronic acid, vitamins and minerals made with small needles under the skin. Facial mesotherapy, also known as mesotifting, is also effective in skin regeneration, revitalization, reduction of wrinkles and recovery of sagging. It can be applied to hands, décolleté, neck, jowl and the entire face. The liquid injected under the skin with mesotherapy stimulates the skin, and the lifting effect starts from the moment the procedure is started.

First, the skin is anesthetized with cream. Before the procedure, the face is cleaned. The process takes about half an hour. After the procedure, side effects such as redness, swelling, slight bruising may occur. These side effects, which will pass in a very short time, do not cause any problems for the person to return to his normal life.

Facial mesotherapy is performed between 3 and 6 sessions depending on the structure of the skin (young skin, middle-aged skin, old skin). After 2 sessions, the effect is seen more quickly and clearly.

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