Migraine Home Remedies: What Really Helps

Migraine home remedies alone unfortunately cannot stop the attack – but still have a positive effect against the symptoms. These home remedies help!

Can migraine home remedies really help me?

While home remedies for headaches can often relieve the symptoms well, their use alone for migraines rarely leads to success. In most cases, it is not possible without medication – but many sufferers still report that certain home remedies for migraines at least help a little bit to get through the migraine attacks. However, every patient should check with their doctor beforehand whether the gentle helpers are suitable for them – some plants in particular could, in the worst case, interact with the drugs, which tends to make the migraine symptoms worse.

In general, people with migraines should make sure they drink enough – at least two litres a day. This is because if the body has an adequate supply of water, the blood flow to the brain improves – which can prevent migraines. Conversely, by the way, this is also a reason why many people get an immediate headache when they have not drunk for a while.

Migraine home remedies: Full plant power

Especially in the form of tea, some plants have proven themselves as home remedies for migraines. You can test these remedies in consultation with your doctor:

  • Camomile: Camomile not only has an anti-inflammatory effect, it also calms the stomach (which is often in turmoil during a migraine attack, which can cause nausea) and is described as beneficial by many migraine patents. To use, pour boiling water over two teaspoons of dried camomile flowers, leave to infuse for ten minutes and strain.
  • Ginger: Ginger is a real all-rounder – and according to those affected it is also said to be a home remedy for migraines when combined with chrysanthemums (from the pharmacy). Cut a piece of ginger into small pieces, add some chrysanthemum and pour boiling water over both. After 15 minutes the tea can be strained and drunk.
  • Clove: The clove has proven itself not only as a home remedy for toothache – its analgesic effect can also be very useful for migraines. For this, some green tea is mixed with cloves, cinnamon and lemon juice. Four to five cups a day are allowed.
  • Peppermint: Another all-rounder! Peppermint contains cooling menthol, which can gently reduce the pain of migraines. To do this, either pour some fresh peppermint over water, let it steep and drink the tea slowly. Or: Spread peppermint oil generously on temples and forehead.
  • Ginkgo: Ginkgo stimulates blood circulation and can therefore tame migraines. The best way to do this is to make a tea from the leaves of the tree – they are also found in many parks in this country. Otherwise, dried leaves can also be bought from the pharmacy. Simply prepare them like the other teas with boiling water and let them steep for ten minutes.

Other migraine home remedies

Far from the plant world, there are other possible home remedies that can relieve migraines:

  • Caffeine: A cup of coffee with lemon is almost considered a classic of tips against migraine, because the caffeine dilates the vessels and the lemon inhibits pain. To make it, brew a normal coffee and add the juice of half a lemon.
  • Footbath: Warmth also has a vasodilating effect and additionally relaxes. A warm footbath is best for migraines, whereby the heat is gradually increased. At the beginning the water is about 32 degrees warm, then the temperature is further increased to 42 degrees by tipping the water after it. You can check this with a thermometer.

Extra tips for therapy: The right diet can relieve migraines

You never do anything wrong with a balanced diet, but migraine patients can benefit from it even more. Those affected should pay particular attention to their vitamin intake: Vitamin B2 can reduce migraine attacks, vitamin C helps prevent them. Fish is one of the best sources of B2, vitamin C is mainly found in citrus fruits.

In addition, to avoid migraine or to reduce the attacks, it is important to avoid the trigger of stress. Progressive muscle relaxation or meditation, for example, help many people in this respect.

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