Nose Stuffed Up! What Can I Do About It?

If the nose is stuffed up, this is often one of the first signs of a cold. What are the causes of a stuffy nose and how can we solve the stuck mucus?

Another cold! In addition to coughing and hoarseness, the nose is often clogged, especially at the beginning of an infection. This is particularly unpleasant when we want to sleep and cannot breathe well – this is what keeps many people from getting a good night’s sleep.

What are the causes?

However, a cold is not the only possible reason for the symptoms. These causes are also possible for a stuffy nose and inflamed mucous membranes:

  • Allergy (allergens are for example hay fever or animal hair)
  • Sinusitis
  • Crooked nasal septum
  • Food intolerance (for example gluten and lactose intolerance)
  • Polyps
  • Smoking

Nose stuffed up? That helps!

Decongestant nasal sprays (e.g. with Oxymetazoline or Xylometazoline) can be useful in the short term – but should not be used for longer than five days, as they can damage the nasal mucous membrane. You should use nasal drops a maximum of two to three times a day. By the way, a nose spray without preservatives is better tolerated.

Home remedies help our noses and work against colds (rhinitis)

As an alternative to nasal spray, nasal rinsing with saline solution can flush out pathogens. To do this, fill a nasal douche with warm salt water (half a teaspoon of salt to a quarter of a litre of water). Sit at one nostril and hold your head diagonally over the sink. The water runs into one nostril and out of the other. But these remedies also help:

  • Inhalation with salt or medicinal plants such as camomile flowers
  • Soup against cold: Boil a ginger bulb with 0.5 litre water, add two tablespoons of grated horseradish and season with honey, lime juice, marjoram, salt and pepper.
  • Aromatherapy to soothe the mucous membrane: Drip 3 drops each of mint and clove oil on a cloth and place it next to your pillow at night.
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