Perfect Eyeliner | With This Professional Trick It Works

The perfect eyelid line really exists – you just need to know this professional trick to make it work for you. Make-up artist Nikki Wolff gave it away on Instagram.

There are exactly two types of eyliner carriers. Those who can do it in their sleep – and those who simply do not wear eyeliner for self-protection. We know the situation: either both eyes look completely different or the eyelid line simply becomes viiiiiiel too thick. Star make-up artist Nikki Wolff reveals in her Instagram Story how you draw the perfect eyelid line. It works guaranteed!

Eyelid Line: This is How She becomes Perfect

Okay, we admit: With a pro like Nikki, it looks like she never did anything else. Either way, an eyelid line is a practice thing. Nevertheless, it’s helpful to know what we need to be aware of before we start.

Nikki advises to draw the eyelid line with open eyes – also with herself. This works best if you look into a mirror from above. Hold the mirror at chin level.

I draw the lid line very thin and very close to the inner lash line.

Nikki does not pull the eyeliner in one go, she draws super fine, little strokes. This prevents you from working with different pressures and the liner from becoming unevenly wide.

The best way to draw a wing that matches your eye shape is to follow the line of the lower lash line.

This means: you extend your lower lash line with the Wing without changing the angle. This way you make sure that the Wing is neither too high nor too low and you can definitely see it well. This step you do again with open eyes and draw small strokes. Depending on how long and dramatic the Wing should be. From the outside you pull the liner back inside to thicken the wing a bit. Don’t start at the back of the wing, otherwise it will automatically become thicker. And we all know how that ends …

Which Eyeliner is The Right One

Nikki works with a fine felt eyeliner (similar to a felt-tip pen). The advantage is that the tip gets thinner and thinner towards the front, so you can draw very fine lines. Often these eyeliners can be bent a bit and give way, so you can work more flexible. If you want, you can of course also use a gel eyeliner or liquid eyeliner.

If you want to enlarge the eyes a little bit, you can pull out the liner a little bit in the inner angle. To do this, follow the shape of your upper lash line and pull the liner downwards along the shape of your eyes in the inner corner (Cleopatra style 😉). This step is totally optional, but still looks totally dramatic and special.

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