Reduce Stress: The 7 Best Anti-Stress Tips

More and more people nowadays suffer from permanent stress, which often leads to burnout. That’s why we present seven tips to help you reduce stress.

1. Change the attitude towards stress

The key word is positive thinking. This is easier said than done, but those who change their thinking patterns are already taking a big step towards stress reduction. In some situations we simply have to accept that they cannot be solved or that a deadline cannot be met. It’s not worth panicking about it, but instead it’s better to remember what you’ve already achieved and that it’s no big deal if a task is left until the next day.

2. Reduce stress with meditation

Meditation helps our body to come to rest and to switch off. Therefore, it is enough to perform relaxation techniques for a few minutes every day as well as various breathing techniques to significantly reduce our stress level. Yoga, autogenic training and progressive muscle relaxation also have this effect and help to build up resilience against stress. Other good sports for muscle relaxation are Tai Chi and Qigong.

3. Talking to yourself

This tip sounds ridiculous at first, but by talking to ourselves we can actually reduce stress. In stressful situations, it is also quite permissible to curse out loud and get angry. If you are more of the introverted type, you can reach for your diary and write down the frustration from your soul. Often these measures work wonders and make us feel much more liberated.

4. Active relaxation

After a stressful day, you usually wish for nothing more than to fall onto the sofa and let the TV program wash over you. However, this kind of stress management is not very helpful. It is much better to relax actively and do sports, exercise in the fresh air or cook with friends. Our body automatically shuts down and we clear our head.

5. Eating healthily

Nutrition is also an important issue in stress reduction. Food that is too fatty or sugary is not exactly conducive to lowering our blood pressure. Instead, we should focus on energy-rich food, drink plenty of water and eat fresh fruit and vegetables.

6. Going offline

Our mobile phone ensures that we are always available these days – even for superiors or customers. However, it is important to switch off after work, so we should leave our mobile phone in our handbag or switch it off immediately in our free time. Even if it’s hard: a digital time-out has a positive effect on our well-being and helps to reduce stress.

7. Sleep sufficiently

A healthy sleep lays the foundation for our well-being. Depending on our biorhythm, seven to eight hours of sleep are usually optimal for our body to regenerate. It is also important that we go to bed at regular times and that sources of disturbance such as the television or street lights are banished from the bedroom.

What is stress?

Stress is a physical or mental strain that is triggered by certain stimuli and can lead, for example, to heart disease, tension in the body or burn-out. But there is also positive stress, the so-called eustress, which is healthy and ensures our performance. Stress only becomes negative when it leads to permanent tension and frequent exhaustion. In this case we speak of stress.

1 Comment
  1. Charli Smith says

    I always find a cup of warm water with a drop of tea tree oil to gargle with is excellent way to stop sore throats. Especially before you go to sleep at night. It will kill germs in your mouth and throat, so they can not multiply there.

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