Strength Training at Home: The Best Exercises

You like to keep fit? Strength training at home is a good option – also to save the cost of the gym. With these simple yet effective exercises, you too can succeed, with or without additional equipment.

Motivation and variety

Doing something good for your health is always good, especially if you have fun doing it, because from the age of 25 onwards the body starts to break down muscle mass. This means that body fat is more easily accumulated. Reason enough to start with your own fitness and muscle building.
Strength training is a useful thing you can do at home or in the gym to actively keep your body fit and to strengthen your entire movement and posture. Always and everywhere where you can best motivate yourself to train.

If you think that it is too late for that, you are wrong, because it is never too late to start with fitness and exercises for a defined muscle build-up and weight loss do not harm. The good thing about strength training at home is that it gives you the opportunity to do many exercises with or without equipment and it saves money in the long run that you might otherwise have spent on the gym.

The more you do your training and the associated exercises, the more you benefit from your physical fitness and your positive body and self-esteem.
Over time, your strength training at home will become routine, try to keep up with your training and you will also find incentives for new exercises from time to time to ensure variety and no boredom in your strength training at home.

Reasons for strength training

  • You train and live healthier.
  • Excuses like “it’s wet outside, too cold, etc.” to avoid the exercises no longer count.
  • You become more disciplined through your training.
  • Your body and your fitness will change in a positive way and you will feel better and more comfortable.
  • You become more active and are excited to see the progress of your body all the time.
  • You get a better and new feeling for your own body.
  • You appear more confident.
  • You can perform better than before and build up strength.
  • You gain respect and recognition.

Strength training at home: Effective exercises

With weight training at home you can finally save yourself the trip to the gym. Even better: No rain in the world will spoil your appetite for a workout, because you don’t have to go out for the exercises at home to build up your muscles and train your strength and endurance.

During the following exercises the whole body is trained. This includes not only the stomach, legs, buttocks, but also the back. Expensive equipment does not play a role in your strength training at home. You only need a training mat for your strength training. With the help of dumbbells you can change the effectiveness and difficulty of some exercises. But as a beginner, it is sufficient to train with your own body weight only, because this is unfamiliar and exhausting enough for your body at the beginning.
Hard training always pays off, you will see that your strength training at home has a lot of effects, especially your fitness and your body will more than benefit from it.

Important in advance:

  1. Carry out the strength training at home slowly and in a controlled manner. Over time you can still increase your performance as long as you continue to do the exercises correctly.
  2. Repeat the exercises between ten to 15 times with three passes each, e.g. 3 x 10 crunches. Between each new round, take a one-minute break.
  3. Depending on how confident you feel in the exercises, you can also do them with the dumbbells and find more exercises to do.
  4. Do your strength training at home. Your body will thank you for it.

Exercise 1: Squats

Muscles trained: Thigh and buttock muscles

  • Stand shoulder width apart with your back straight and slowly get down on your knees.
  • Hold the position for a few seconds and return to the starting position. Then repeat the exercise. This promotes muscle building in the thighs and buttocks.

Exercise 2: Crunches

Muscles trained: The entire abdomen

  • Lie on your back, hands on your ears and put your legs up. Your upper body is tilted forward towards your knees, your stomach is tense.
  • Now lift your legs with your own body strength and without swinging and bring your knees to your upper body.
  • Then lower your knees and your upper body again, but without putting them down completely and repeat the exercise. And the muscle building for a flat stomach starts!

Exercise 3: Pelvic bridge

Muscles trained: Thigh and buttock muscles and lower back

  • Lie flat on your back, your arms lying relaxed beside your upper body.
  • Stand with your legs hip-wide and lift your pelvis so that your body forms a straight line. The abdomen, back and bottom are tense throughout the exercise.
  • Hold this position for a few seconds, then lower your pelvis again without putting it down completely and push it straight back up.

Exercise 4: Mountaineer

Muscles trained: The whole body

  • Go into a sort of push-up position. Your arms are below your shoulders, your back is straight and your legs are stretched.
  • Now alternately pull your left and then your right knee up to your chest, as if you were putting one leg in front of the other when climbing. Only your toes are touching the ground. With this exercise you train your whole body.

Exercise 5: Push-up

Muscles trained: Trunk muscles

  • Lie down on your stomach. Your legs are stretched out, your palms are at chest level and your fingers point forward.
  • Now press your upper body upwards. Your back remains straight during the exercise.
  • Then slowly lower your upper body again without laying it down on the mat and then press it up again directly. The perfect exercise for your strength training at home!

Exercise 6: Reverse Fly

Muscles trained: Upper back

  • Lie down on your stomach. Stretch out your arms, with your feet on your toes.
  • Now raise your arms and upper body upwards and pull your elbows backwards so that there is a right angle between your shoulders and elbows.
  • Lower the arms and upper body again without touching the floor. Repeat the exercise. An exercise that everyone likes to do for their fitness!

Exercise 7: Planks

Muscles trained: The whole body

  • Lie down on your stomach. Your elbows are just below the shoulder.
  • Then push yourself up off the floor so that your body forms a straight line.
  • Hold this position for at least 30 seconds. This is the best exercise for building up muscles in your whole body!

Strength training at home with equipment

Are you looking to expand your strength training at home with suitable equipment and make your training even more effective? Then these devices are just right for you and your fitness:

  • Fitness tracker: With heart rate monitoring you can track your calorie consumption better, optimize your training and identify health trends. The fitness tracker conveniently shows you your calorie consumption and the steps you have taken during the day at any time, even during and after your strength training at home. A great piece of equipment for those who like to keep an eye on their fitness.
  • Kettlebells: Bringing Kettlebells into your strength training at home, you can train your strength and power endurance, speed, agility and coordination. The Kettlebells can be incorporated into various exercises very quickly and easily.
  • Resistance Band: With the all-round talent among the devices you can train almost everything, whether tri or biceps, back, legs, buttocks or shoulders. The resistance band is super easy to use in strength training at home.
  • Gymnastics ball: Gymnastics balls are particularly suitable for training the muscles in the abdomen at home or for adopting a healthy posture with the body during work.
  • Push-up grips: Push-up grips are for all those who have problems or little strength in their wrists and are a super gentle alternative for exercises like push-ups, which are often and often done at home in strength training.
  • Vibration plate: The vibration plate activates the deeper lying muscles in the body during strength training at home and reduces body fat.
  • Blackroll: A blackroll is a miracle and remedy for tension and sticking of the muscles or fascia. A popular device – even away from strength training at home.
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