Sun Allergy: The Best Tips Against Hives and Itching

A sun allergy, also known as polymorphic light dermatosis (pld), causes us to suffer from itching, reddened skin and wheals. Which home remedies help against light allergies?

Sun allergy: How to recognize it

Strictly speaking, a sun allergy is not a real allergy at all. Although the term has become established, it usually means photodermatosis, also known as sun eczema, the exact causes of which are not fully understood. After direct exposure to the sun, the skin reacts with redness, wheals, nodules and blisters.

In Central Europe, more than one in ten is affected, women more often than men. Polymorphic light dermatosis (pld) can occur at any age, but is most common in children and young adults. Mostly in women with lighter skin types. It often improves on its own over the course of a lifetime, but can occur again and again.

What causes skin reactions?

Anyone who starts their beach vacation from everyday office life has light-sensitive skin because it has not yet developed a protective callosity. Light-skinned women in particular react to intense exposure to light with itchy blisters – on the décolleté, shoulders and arms. The itchy reddening of the skin appears after just a few hours. A little later, nodules or vesicles appear.

It is believed that an immune reaction is triggered in some people as soon as rays of the sun hit their unprepared skin. Under the influence of UV rays, free radicals are formed that cause cell stress.

What helps against photodermatosis?

Once the diagnosis of polymorphic light dermatosis (pld) has been made, the most important thing is to get out of the sun. Of course, this cannot be done consistently in everyday life – and especially on vacation. Then it is important to avoid the blazing sun.

  • Put on UV clothing. There are now various labels that, in addition to children’s swimsuits, also produce cool sun clothes with UV filters for adults. The UV-Fashions website, for example, offers a great selection.
  • Avoid the midday sun, because between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. the rays of the sun are particularly intense. The best thing to do is to go in or into the shade.
  • Sun protection on the skin! And plenty of it. We need ELF full tablespoons for the whole body – to actually achieve the specified protection on the sun cream! Use sun protection with at least a sun protection factor of 30. Many prefer a sun gel because it does not contain any fats or emulsifiers that can trigger Mallorca acne.
  • Be careful on long car journeys: UVA rays also penetrate to a certain extent through window glass. Those who suffer from severe sun allergies can rethink investing in UV-impermeable films that can be applied to windows in homes and cars.
  • Anyone who uses after-sun care should also pay attention to products that are specially designed for allergic skin and that do not contain grease, emulsifiers, fragrances or preservatives.

Home remedies to relieve itching and hives

If the skin already shows severe reactions such as redness, wheals and itching, some home remedies can help.

  • A towel soaked in cold milk alleviates the first symptoms of sun damage and is good for red, hot and itchy skin. A quark mask also provides relief.
  • Aloe Vera is one of the best home remedies for sun allergies. Important: pay attention to a good preparation! Then aloe vera can relieve pain, swelling and itching.
  • A compress with diluted apple cider vinegar can help, but the important thing is: do not apply the apple cider vinegar directly to the skin, the acid can also irritate. Therefore: dilute 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with 1/4 l of boiled water!
  • Cold cucumber puree cools the skin wonderfully, its ingredients relieve inflammation and swelling and also help against sunburn.
  • The enzymes in a raw potato help your skin heal. Simply place a few slices on the affected areas of the skin and let them take effect. Tip: Put the potato in the refrigerator beforehand, then it will cool the reddening.

The doctor prescribes this for sun allergies

The consolation: If the sun is avoided, the itchy skin changes usually recede quickly and the symptoms disappear. The doctor usually prescribes a cortisone ointment to calm the itching and soothe the wheals. Applying or taking antihistamines can help reduce itching.

Is it possible to prevent wheals?

Calcium, the vitamin precursor beta-carotene, the combination of nicotinamide and folic acid or omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil are said to have a preventive effect. But whether they actually protect against polymorphic light dermatosis has not been scientifically proven.

Some allergy sufferers also swear by capsules with carotenoids such as lycopene to prevent irritation. However, the capsules must be swallowed two to four weeks before the sunny vacation.

What exactly is Mallorca acne?

It is very rare, but also very unpleasant: the extremely itchy nodules are a reaction caused by UV rays to fats and emulsifiers found in sunscreen. It is best to use preventive products that are free of them. Practical for on the go: sticks with sun gel that does not require any known allergy triggers. And with after-sun products, make sure that they are free of problematic substances.

Is it a solar urticaria?

This rare form of sun allergy causes skin rashes. Wheals and redness can develop just a few minutes after exposure to the sun. Pain and itching also occur.

Allergic Reaction – Is It Really a Sun Allergy?

Other substances can also trigger allergic reactions when sunbathing: Medicines (e.g. antibiotics, anti-rheumatic drugs, St. John’s wort), plants containing fucomarin (e.g. hogweed, fig tree, angelica, rue), citrus fruits and essential oils such as bergamot oil.

Best to avoid contact. In the worst case, get a doctor to prescribe an anti-inflammatory cortisone cream. If you have problems with chemical UV filters: switch to sun protection with a deliberately low concentration or use mineral filters.

I’d rather not!

Don’t doctor around with cortisone ointment on your own. Although it has an anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effect, it can also cause irritation under UV light. Do not rub too much on the skin or put too many different home remedies and active ingredients on it. The most important thing now is reassurance. And definitely avoid the sun for the next few days!

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