These 5 Tips Will Help You Burn Calories By Doing Nothing

Burning calories on the couch? Sounds too good to be true. We’re gonna give you five tips on how to lose weight doing nothing.

1. Green tea

Several studies have shown: Green tea has a positive effect on fat metabolism. The bitter substances (catechins) contained in green tea ensure that the body’s heat release and fat oxidation are increased. Green tea also stops your hunger and activates the nervous system due to the caffeine it contains, which in turn boosts fat burning.

2. Water, water, water

The secret tip for people who want to burn calories: Water! Water fills you up, tightens the skin, keeps our cells fit and, last but not least, helps us lose weight. Anyone who drinks only half a litre of water on an empty stomach, for example before dinner, boosts his energy metabolism by 30 percent. By the way, you should drink 1.5 litres of water a day – minimum.

3. Vitamin C is a must

To further increase fat burning, you could add a little lemon juice to the water. This is because vitamin C is involved in the production of the hormone norepinephrine, which has the task of releasing fat from the cells in the body. Instead of eating salty or sugary snacks, you could also eat fruit containing vitamin C – such as tangerines, oranges or grapefruit.

4. Eat spicy

Just like vitamin C, chili has the great habit of boosting your fat burning. The capsaicin contained in the pods increases the body’s heat production, which your body reacts to with sweating. This process consumes a lot of energy, which in turn has a positive effect on your desire to lose weight. So: Always eat spicy food on the sofa.

5. Laughter, bottle lifting, fidgeting

Yes, laughter can also help you lose calories on the couch. One study found that laughter increases fat burning. The same is true for fidgeting: if you bounce your legs, you burn an additional 350 calories a day. And last but not least: a bottle helps you to exercise your arms a little. Lifting a bottle does not bother you and can simply be done on the side.

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