This Fruit Relieves Your Period Pains

Do you automatically take ibuprofen etc. when your period comes? Then you should try this fruit, which can relieve menstrual pain.

There are a number of foods that you should keep your hands off during your period. They intensify the negative symptoms, such as cramps and abdominal pain, and affect your mood. These include: chips, cookies, pretzel sticks, chocolate, pizza, cheeseburgers, gummy bears.

Healthy food against menstrual pain

Instead of giving in to his craving for sweet and salty things, you’d better reach for fruit. Specifically: pineapple! The trace element manganese contained in pineapple helps to slow down bleeding, which is particularly beneficial for women with heavy bleeding. Potassium, on the other hand, is good against a bloated belly, from which many women also suffer during their days. And finally: The exotic fruit contains the enzyme bromelain, which relaxes the muscles and therefore has an antispasmodic effect. So you see – the pineapple is a real wonder weapon in the fight against menstrual pain.

By the way: If you don’t like pineapple, you can also switch to alternative foods that have a high manganese content. The trace element is contained in vegetable foods such as nuts, pulses, cereal products such as oat flakes and wholemeal bread, fruit (strawberries, blueberries) and cocoa.

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