This Is Why Your Moisturizer Isn’t Working

Although applying moisturizer seems to be quite easy, it can lead to negative consequences on your skin if you do not follow the right steps. Do you think your last used moisturizer is making your skin oily or drying? To find the problem, here are 5 reasons why your moisturizing cream isn’t working…

You use too many products

Proof that you’re using too much moisturizer: clogged pores. Your skin looks very oily and your make-up is not stable because of this. “If you have all of these symptoms, you either need to change the amount you use or the product itself,” says skin care expert Cecilia Wong.

You do not use enough products

If the amount of moisturizer you use daily is not enough, your skin will appear drier and even wrinkle lines will become evident. Dermatologist Dr. Whitney Bowe; “When the skin barrier is compromised, that is, when it becomes dry, what we see is a low-grade chronic inflammation of the skin.” says. This can then cause the collagen structure to break down and cause the appearance of aging. Do not forget to apply the cream by massaging the face, under the jawline and décolleté area.

You apply it to dirty skin

If you have not cleaned your skin before the application; your skin will not absorb the moisturizer. Skin care expert Renée Rouleau recommends peeling especially for dry skin. “Usually when the skin is dry; Loading up on heavy creams to compensate for the dryness. However, what you are trying to do is try to revive the dried surface, so the more you create a new layer of heavy cream on it, the more you prevent your skin from breathing and moisturizing. There is no logic! Cleanse the dried skin first; moisturize the new skin cells afterwards.”

You apply too many products in a row

If you use too many skin products together, it is possible that you will not see the effect of your moisturizer. Dermatologist Fredric Brandt recommends 3 steps to prevent this. “1) Make sure to leave a certain amount of time between each application (at least one minute), 2) Pat your fingers, do not rub. 3) check Additives such as “Talk, iron oxide, mica and fluorophlogopite” should all be used at the end of the routine.”

You chose the wrong moisturizer

This is a common problem because it is not always easy to fully understand the skin type and find the right moisturizer for your needs.

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