What does it mean when your eyelid twitches?

We all know it: Every now and then our eyelids start to twitch for unknown reasons. Take a look at the article and see what (harmless) reasons can be behind the flutter.

If you enter the term “eyelid twitching” in Google, you will find several causes for the nervous fluttering. We want to disregard brain tumours, hyperthyroidism, high blood pressure and neurological diseases – and limit ourselves to the harmless causes of eyelid flutter. These triggers are possible causes of the complaints:

1. Stress

Stress is an obvious cause of eyelid twitching – the occasional twitching is often considered to be the initial signal for stress. Why is this so? In stressful situations, the body releases hormones such as adrenaline or cortisol, which put the entire body and nerves under high tension. Particularly sensitive nerves in the eye react to the impulses with a fluttering of the eyelid muscle. If you notice a nervous twitching, you should definitely take a relaxation phase.

2. Overtiredness and overexertion

Eyelid twitching is also a sign of lack of sleep. The organism cannot regenerate sufficiently when sleep is lacking. And this is often shown by irritated nerves and overstrained eyes. Often our eyes are also overstrained during screen work due to staring at the monitor for a long time. In this case, it is advisable to avoid TV, smartphone and computer – or do the following exercises.

3. Magnesium deficiency

A magnesium deficiency often manifests itself in nervous fluttering of the eyelid. This deficiency negatively affects the communication between muscle and nerve, which can ultimately lead to a twitching of the eye. However, these deficiency symptoms can be brought under control with the right diet. Foods rich in magnesium include: nuts, oats, beans, spinach and sunflower seeds.

In general, the following applies: Often the triggering factors such as smoking, alcohol or too little sleep can be remedied by the patient himself. However, if the twitching persists for several days, a doctor should be consulted. Because in this case, eyelid twitching can be a sign of a serious illness.

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