What to Expect During Your Rhinoplasty Recovery

People considering rhinoplasty wonder the answers to many questions before the operation. So, when should rhinoplasty be done? When does the nose sit in place after rhinoplasty? Will the nose drop and collapse after the surgery? What causes nose drop and collapse? Here are the answers to all your questions in this article…

How to describe a beautiful nose?

Beautiful nose; It is a harmonious and proportional nose that is pleasing to the eye in itself and in the face it is in. Today, the concept of beautiful nose mostly describes flat or slightly sunken noses. Values such as the angle of the nose with the lips, the angle of the nose with the forehead, the width of the nose, the height of the nose are all evaluated individually and differ between individuals.

How to determine the  nose that will suit a person’s face?

It is determined by planning on photographs together with the patient before rhinoplasty. In the light of certain rates and values accepted in this planning, the patient’s wishes and expectations are listened to and a common point is reached.

Does the nose collapse after rhinoplasty?

Nose job was perceived as a nose reduction until 15-20 years ago. In order to reduce it, structures such as bone-cartilage were removed too much. In the first 6 months, it was incomprehensible how much tissue was removed due to edema. When the camouflage effect of the edema wore off, the nose appeared as collapsed. Although it is related to the knowledge, experience and technique of the surgeon performing the operation, it is much less common nowadays.

Today, rhinoplasty is not perception reduction. On the contrary, if it is not absolutely necessary, the tissue is not removed, and if it is removed, the tissues are reshaped and used. We can describe it as follows: In the past, the tissue that filled a liquor glass was removed in nose surgeries and discarded at the end of the surgery. Today, tissue removal is very limited, even if the tissue filling the liquor glass is removed, all of them are shaped and reused in a suitable position. At the end of the operation, there is no tissue that is discarded.

Is there a success criterion after the operation?

The most important is patient satisfaction. The result of the operation is perfect according to the surgeon, perfect according to all known or unknown scientific rules, perfect according to everyone except the patient, but if the patient is unhappy, the success is not considered to be fully achieved.

After a successful nose job, the nose should have a proportional appearance in itself and in the face it is in. While a small nose looks good on a petite type, a small-perfect nose does not look good on someone with a long face structure. It is desirable that it looks natural and that the outsider does not understand that you have had surgery. Of course, you should breathe easy in any situation.

When does the nose fit the face after rhinoplasty?

After an average of 3 weeks after rhinoplasty surgery, the swelling goes away to a large extent and is not noticed by your environment. After an average of 4 weeks, the swelling in your nose goes away and you start breathing comfortably. After an average of 6 months, your nose fits perfectly and we can say that this is your nose shape for the rest of your life.

But these times are purely personal and can vary within a very wide margin. Many factors such as the person’s habits, medications, diseases, and skin structure affect these periods. For example, in a patient with thick nasal skin, all of the times mentioned may take up to 2 times.

When should you get a nose job?

You can have the nose job for 12 months, regardless of summer or winter. We recommend you to be in the most suitable time period where you have a one-week gap and will not put your business and social life into difficulties. We recommend that your surgery time be at least 3-4 weeks before the important day, meeting, etc., so that most of your edema will be healed.

Most importantly, do the rhinoplasty when you are ready for yourself and psychologically. Do not have this surgery because someone else wants it, because of the sadness of separation from your partner, the pressure of your environment, as a way to get rid of your troubles. If you have surgery with this and similar psychology, you will be largely unhappy regardless of the result. In such cases, if everything goes well, the patient may be happy with the result, but the probability of being unhappy is not at all low.

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