5 Causes of Yellow Nails

When the nails turn yellow, you want to get rid of this as soon as possible. For this, you should get to the bottom of the cause of yellow nails (discoloration).

Do your fingernails or toenails look yellowish? That can be quite annoying, after all you want soft pink nails with white tips. Sometimes coloring foods such as tangerines or turmeric or special cosmetic products are obviously to blame. If this is not the case, health problems can also be the cause. These five things can underlie yellow nails.

1. Nail polish

Did you quickly apply the nail polish without a base coat during the last manicure? Especially with dark, intensely colored polish, this can cause the nail plate to become discolored and a yellow film to remain when the polish is removed. And not only that: this reaction of the dye with the keratin of the nail can also make the nails brittle. So please don’t forget your basecoat!

2. Cigarette

Regular contact of fingers with tobacco tar can also lead to discoloration of the nails. Especially when they are exposed to the still hot cigarette smoke, the rather stubborn yellow spots form. Cigarette consumption can also cause pits to form in the nails.

3. Carotenemia

If you discover yellow nails in children, there may be an excess of beta-carotene. This also colors not only nails but also the skin yellowish in adults. Have this suspicion clarified with your doctor, even if this condition rarely poses a serious health risk.

4. Vitamin deficiency

If the body does not get enough protein, calcium or other vitamins such as vitamin E, this can also be noticeable on the fingernails. Dietary supplements or a change in diet can lead to long-term improvement.

5. Fungal infection

A fungal infection such as athlete’s foot can also be the reason for yellow nails. This leads to thickening of the nail plate and accumulation of debris underneath, which creates the discoloration. It is essential to act quickly to kill the fungus. So it is best to see a doctor.

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