5 Natural Home Remedies for Hair Growth

Long hair is the dream of many women. It works with the right diet and care – five natural hair restorers for a healthy mane.

Admittedly, as simple as it sounds in Grimm’s fairy tales, reality unfortunately often looks different and the dream of a long whale mane is far away. The fact is: Hair grows on average 1 to 1.2 centimeters per month, there’s nothing to be said against it. And also how long hair can become as well as the hair structure, is hereditary determined.

In some women they grow up to the bottom, in others they reach a maximum shoulder length. However, we can promote a healthy scalp and thus healthy hair growth and prevent hair loss through certain factors and active ingredients. And for this you don’t have to resort to chemical hair growth (serum or tablets). It is also easier, for example, with these five tips, which everyone can easily and IMMEDIATELY implement.

1. Healthy nutrition

For healthy hair growth, a balanced, nutrient-rich diet is essential. It supplies the hair roots with all the important vitamins and minerals and acts as a natural hair growth. However, if the body suffers from a nutrient deficiency, this in turn has a negative influence on the development of hair loss and hair loss is encouraged. The most important nutrients at a glance:

  • Proteins are considered the basis for the formation of keratin, the main component of human hair. Good sources of protein are yogurt, quark, chicken and turkey, lentils and pulses.
  • Biotin or vitamin B7 protects us from hair loss. Biotin is found in soy products, nuts (especially almonds and hazelnuts), eggs and milk.
  • Vitamin C contains plenty of antioxidants that strengthen the hair roots, promote hair growth and is found in citrus fruits or yellow peppers.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids are another natural hair growth agent, among other things they stimulate the blood circulation, ensure fuller hair and protect against hair loss. You can find plenty of them in salmon, linseed, chia seeds and walnuts, for example.
  • Selenium, along with iron, zinc, copper and magnesium, is a mineral that helps the body to form and process proteins and is found in Brazil nuts, fish or shellfish.

For healthy hair growth, it is super important to check your eating habits to ensure an adequate supply of nutrients and prevent hair loss.

2. Scalp massage

If you massage your scalp regularly, you will stimulate blood circulation and stimulate the hair follicles, where the hair root is formed, to grow. Such a massage doesn’t have to be elaborate. Simply massage the scalp with your fingertips for a few minutes while washing your hair. This not only stimulates the blood circulation, but also reduces stress – one of the main factors for hair loss. By the way, combing your hair has a similar blood circulation-promoting effect.

3. Proper hair care

Here a cure, there a serum, there a styling foam: a lot helps a lot, one could at least think. Unfortunately, people often think wrong here. Instead of ensuring smooth, healthy and long hair, we overload the hair with active ingredients. It’s best to avoid products with the active ingredient silicone, as these can clog the hair follicles and promote hair loss.

Further rule: Conditioners and hair treatments never apply to the hair root, the hair greases faster, is weighted and loses volume. It is better to distribute the product in lengths, so it can close the cuticle layer and make the hair shine.

Also important: Minimizes the heat styling with hair dryer and straightening iron. Too high temperatures stress and damage the structure of the hair and cause split ends and hair breakage.

4. Go to the hairdresser regularly

Many women avoid going to the hairdresser because they want to let their hair grow and fear for every inch of their mane. Wrong! Only those who go to the hairdresser every two to three months to cut their hair will prevent split ends and hair breakage and promote healthy hair growth. What else you can do against broken hair, you can read here.

5. Castor oil

Castor oil is another natural hair restorer. Rich in essential fatty acids and vitamin E, it supports a healthy scalp and thus hair growth. In combination with a stimulating scalp massage and taking into account the other four points, you come a good deal closer to the dream of a mane à la Rapunzel. It is best to mix the golden yellow elixir with coconut oil, olive oil or almond oil, massage in well and leave for about half an hour. Then wash the hair thoroughly with a shampoo as usual.

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