5 Reasons Why Your Period Lasts So Long

The period comes once a month and lasts three to five days on average. Does your menstruation last longer? Then we’ll tell you five reasons why you should check.

Normally a period lasts on average between three and five days. If you have a longer period, it’s not a big deal. However, if you have had bleeding for more than a week three months in a row, you should definitely see a gynaecologist. Here are five reasons why your menstruation lasts longer – and what you can do about it.

1. Your hormones are out of balance

Your periods are irregular, but when they come, do they stay quite long? This could be a first sign of PCO syndrome (polycystic ovarian syndrome), a general hormonal disorder. Women who suffer from the syndrome have elevated levels of androgens, male sex hormones, in their blood. And this in turn leads to menstrual disorders and in the worst case to an unfulfilled desire for children.

2. Drugs can be the cause

It is also possible that the cause of a long period is that you are taking certain drugs. For example, thyroid medicines, steroids and psychotropic drugs can have a significant effect on your hormone levels. If the problem persists, it is advisable to talk to your doctor – and think about alternative medication.

3. Your weight has changed

Have you put on weight recently? Then this change in weight may be an indication that your period is longer than normal. Because: Increased body fat also leads to higher oestrogen levels. And this in turn is responsible for your periods being stronger and longer.

4. You are stressed

Stress affects your menstrual cycle in almost every way: For one thing, stress can cause your period to stop altogether because it upsets your hormone balance. On the other hand, stressful times are often accompanied by irregular or particularly long periods. You should ask yourself: Am I stressed? And if so, can I reduce my stress level?

5. Fibroids in the uterus

Myomas are benign tumours in the muscles of the uterus, which occur in many women from the age of 25 until menopause. The most common symptoms: increased and prolonged bleeding and severe pain during menstruation. In any case, it is advisable to consult a gynaecologist who can assess which treatment (hormonal or surgical) is appropriate.

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