5 Ways to Decrease Nausea During Pregnancy

Nausea is common in early pregnancy. While this is nothing serious, it is annoying. There are some things you can do without resorting to drugs for this.

1. Have breakfast in bed

Didn’t you dream of just that? Now you have a valid reason to do so without any guilt! An empty stomach and low blood sugar increase the chances of nausea, so you better not get out of bed without taking a bite of your toast (fried bread is easier to digest than fresh bread).

In fact, the ideal is to have your entire breakfast in bed. And under these circumstances, our future father will happily prepare you something to eat. For example; bread or cereal, dairy products, fruit. But of course, in moderation. In order not to overload your stomach, it is better to drink your juice or tea 10-15 minutes after getting up and snacking in bed.

2. Eat little, often

In terms of nutrition, the way to prevent nausea is to eat neither too little nor too much food. Ideally, you should eat your food in small portions several times a day. Eat healthy meals at noon and in the evening (grilled fish or meat with cooked vegetables), avoid dishes with sauces or unfamiliar ingredients, and have a snack between eleven in the morning and a quarter in the afternoon (fresh or boiled fruit or dairy products). Take small bites at meals and chew your bites well, your saliva greatly facilitates digestion.

3. Protect your sense of smell

The sense of smell becomes extremely sensitive during pregnancy, which is a side effect of hormonal changes. Stronger-feeling scents, even if you liked them or were bearable until then, start to feel unpleasant or even unbearable, which is another factor that triggers nausea. Therefore, you should pay attention to cigarette smoke, heavy perfume or odors from the stove. By ventilating the rooms in your home, you can not only get rid of annoying odors, but also get rid of excess heat that also causes nausea.

4. Fight fatigue and stress

Fatigue, insomnia and stress increase the feeling of nausea. So get your sleep, as soon as you realize that you are sleepy (yawning, burning eyes), turn off light sources such as a screen or tablet that will prevent you from sleeping, lower the room temperature to lower your body temperature and make it easier to fall asleep. During the day, at home or at work, try to stay away from electronic devices and always eat quiet twenty-minute meals.

5. Be mindful of your beverage choices

Of course, no alcohol. Coke should not be preferred as it contains too much caffeine and sugar. Your best friend is water (at least 1.5 liters per day). You can consume your water in small sips between meals, during the day and 20 minutes before and after meals. Eating or drinking too much water at once can cause a feeling of fullness and nausea.

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