Sore Nipples During Breastfeeding: Causes and Treatment

It’s normal to feel some soreness in your nipple when you first start breastfeeding your baby. It will be useful to read our article if you want to learn what causes sore nipples, nipple tenderness.

Pain in the nipples, nipple pain in the first few weeks and gradually disappear. If the pain persists in the following weeks, it would be appropriate to consult your doctor. In order to cope with nipple pain, it is first necessary to determine its cause.

Why does the nipple hurt during breastfeeding?

You may feel pain in the nipple during breastfeeding. When you feel this pain, you should not immediately worry because it can have a number of natural causes. Your nipples may be adapting to this new order, or your baby may not have discovered how to hold on yet. The structure of your breast, even the shape of your baby’s tongue, can cause sore nipples while breastfeeding. Conditions that can cause tenderness and pain in the chest are generally as follows:

Your nipples align. You are in the process of adapting to this innovation that has entered your life, both mentally and physically. You may feel nipple soreness as your body adjusts to breastfeeding. When you create a feeding routine with your baby, the closeness and positive feelings you establish with him will be more prominent and the pain will gradually disappear.

The way your baby clings to the breast can cause pain. The way your baby clings to the breast is important while breastfeeding. If it is not held in the right position, nipple pain may occur due to pulling on the nipple and the skin around it.

A white spot on your chest may be the source of the pain. A piece of skin that has accumulated on the milk duct may be blocking your milk ducts. If you think that the answer to the question of why the nipples hurt is related to this stain, you can consult your doctor.

Your baby’s tongue structure can cause pain during breastfeeding. The tongue structure of some babies prevents them from holding onto the breast correctly. This can cause pain in the nipple.

You should not pull from the breast until your baby has finished feeding. Separation of the baby from the breast while breastfeeding causes both pain and damage to the tissue in the area.

Bras that are too tight will not be the right choice during breastfeeding. In order to have a comfortable breastfeeding period, you can choose bras that you will be comfortable with and will not tighten your body.

The shape of your nipple can also cause pain. If the shape of your nipples is flat or turned inward, this can cause you to feel sore nipples while breastfeeding. To test this, you can do a compression test by holding the dark area around the tip. If your nipple is not hardened, it is considered flat. If your nipple is pulled inwards as a result of the compression test, you have an inverted nipple.

Should You Breastfeed with Sore Nipples?

Unless your healthcare provider recommends otherwise, try to stick to your regular breastfeeding schedule as much as possible, even if you’re struggling with your nipples. Slowing or stopping breastfeeding can reduce your milk production.

An alternative option if it is less irritating to your nipples is to use a breast pump until the sore nipples subsides.

Even if you have a breast infection such as mastitis, you should continue breastfeeding in consultation with your doctor. In fact, in the case of mastitis, breast pain and associated nipple pain can get worse if you stop breastfeeding or pumping.

How Can You Relieve Sore Nipples?

Sore nipples can only be relieved by understanding the underlying cause. Always follow your healthcare provider’s advice, but in the meantime you may want to try some of these strategies to help provide some relief:

Make sure your baby is holding on properly

The nipple should be placed deep inside your baby’s mouth. While breastfeeding, your baby’s lower lip should be fanned out instead of being pulled into the nipple. If you gently pull the corner of her mouth down while breastfeeding, you should be able to see the underside of her tongue.

Try different breastfeeding positions

This can help prevent rubbing your baby’s mouth on the same areas of your nipples. You can eliminate the possibility of nipple soreness by finding the most correct position through experimentation.

Appropriately interrupt breastfeeding when you need to stop breastfeeding

Put your clean finger on the side of your baby’s mouth instead of pushing your baby away to break the sucking.

Leave some milk or colostrum on your nipples and let them dry

However, if you notice that your milk is leaking between feeds, use bra pads and remember to change them frequently.

Keep soaps away from your nipples

Water is all you need to wash your nipples. Also, be sure to thoroughly rinse any laundry detergent off your bra or shirts that could come in contact with your nipples if they cause irritation.

Use purified lanolin or gel pads

If your nipples are dry or cracked, applying purified lanolin after each feed may help. Gel pads can also be used as a precaution against the possibility of sore nipples.

Use chest shields

Breast shields are dome-shaped covers that help prevent clothing or your bra from rubbing against your nipples and irritating them. With this method, you can reduce the possibility of feeling pain in the nipple.

Contact your doctor if you suspect any infection. If your doctor diagnoses an infection, they may prescribe antibiotics or antifungal therapy.

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